可數名詞 與 不可數名詞
1. people 人
2. places 地方
3. things 東西可數名詞與不可數名詞關係到名詞要加的字、關係到動詞單複數的使用可數名詞 countable noun不可數名詞 uncountable noun
1. 液體類或遇熱會變成液體類
ice cream、butter、cheese、chocolate
2. 肉類
3. 多到沒有人去數
4. 材料類
5. 摸不出來、看不到具體形狀、抽象的概念
6. 整體性
7. 軟類的食物
1. 切了之後就不能數
2. 一隻一隻動物可以數,變成吃的肉就不能數
3. 不同的意思
單數名詞 與 複數名詞
單數名詞 舉例
an apple
the apple
my(所有格) apple
this apple
that applea 跟 an 的用法
可數單數名詞的第一字母有母音時用 an :
an astronaut
an egg
an igloo
an octopus
an umbrella
其他單數可數名詞的第一個字沒有母音時用 a--------------------------------------------複數名詞
1. 規則的 : 大部分的複數都只要加 s
apple => apples
book => books
pen => pens
2. 不規則的 : 字尾有特殊的字要加 es
dish => dishes
brush => brushes
church => churches
watch => watches
bus => buses
dress => dresses
box => boxes
fox => foxes
potato => potatoes
tomato => tomatoes
3. 字尾有 y 要去 y 加 ies
berry => berries
party => parties
story => stories
y 前面有母音就可以不用去 y
4. 字尾有 f/fe 要去 f/fe 加 ves
leaf => leaves
wife => wives
5. 不規則複數
child => children
person => people
man => men
woman => women
foot => feet
tooth => teeth
mouse => mice
6. 單複數同型(通常是動物類)
7. 一定要以複數方式呈現
專有名詞 : 人,地方,事物的名字
專有名詞的第一個字母要大寫人名 : Teresa、Jessica
地名 : London、Taipei、Italy
公司 : Apple、Microsoft
大學 : Cambridge University
There is / There are
There is / There are 句型 & be 動詞句型
1. 句子的第一個字母要大寫
2. 字跟字之間要有距離
3. 句子的結尾要有句點,或問號或驚嘆號There is(be動詞) 單數名詞(不可數名詞也算單數)/ There are(be動詞) 複數名詞 => 有(存在)的意思
1. There is (a/ an) 東西 地方
There is a bug on your shoulder.
There is an apple on the sofa.2. There are 東西 地方--------------------------------------BE 動詞有哪些? is / am / are
BE 動詞代表的意義? 現在的 be 動詞 代表現在的狀態
如何改成疑問句? 把 BE 動詞調到主詞前面
EX : There is a dog in the yard.
Is there a dog in the yard?
EX : There is a banana on the bed.
Is there a banana on the bed?
如何改成否定句? 在 BE 動詞後面加上 NOT
EX : There is a cat on the chair.
There is not a cat on the chair.
EX : There is a pencil in the bag.
There is not a pencil in the bag.
There is 的句型 / 肯定句
There + is + a/an(不能用 the) + 單數可數名詞 + 地方(有時會省略)
1. There is a bug on your shoulder
2. There is a banana on the bedThere + is + 不可數名詞(單數) + 地方
1. There is water on the table.
2. There is fur on the floor.There + is + some + 不可數名詞(單數) + 地方
1. There is some water on the table
2. There is some fur on the floor.There + is + a lot of + 不可數名詞(單數) + 地方
1. There is a lot of water on the table.
2. There is a lot of fur on the floor.---------------------------------------------------------例句區
What is in the fridge?
1. There is a carrot in the fridge.
2. There is an onion in the fridge.
3. There is a mushroom in the fridge.
4. There is a cucumber in the fridge.
5. There is a bell pepper in the fridge.
6. There is some lettuce(生菜) in the fridge.
7. There is some broccoli in the fridge.
8. There is a lot of milk in the fridge.
9. There is some butter in the fridge.
10. There is some pork in the freezer.
11. There is some beef in the freezer.
12. There is a lot of ice cream in the freezer.
13. There is a lot of fish in the freezer
There is 的句型 / 否定句
There is not a/an 名詞 地方
There is no 名詞 地方
1. There is not a bug on your shoulder.
There is no bug on your shoulder.
2. There is not a banana on the bed.
There is no banana on the bed.不可數名詞
There is not any 名詞 地方
There is no 名詞 地方
1. There is not any water on the table.
There is no water on the table.
2. There is not a lot of water on the table.
There is not much water on the table.改肯定句到否定句需要注意的地方
1. 肯定句 some (一些) => 否定句 any (任何)
(any 通常在否定句或疑問句中使用)
2. 肯定句 a lot of (許多) => 否定句 a lot of / much (許多)
(much 只能用在否棟距 / 疑問句 + 不可數名詞)
3. not a = no / not any = no---------------------------------------------------------練習區
肯 : There is a carrot in the fridge.
否 : There is not a carrot in the fridge.
否 : There is no carrot in the fridge.肯 : There is broccoli in the fridge.
否 : There is not any broccoli in the fridge.
否 : There is no broccoli in the fridge.肯 : There is a bell pepper in the fridge.
否 : There is not a bell pepper in the fridge.
否 : There is no bell pepper in the fridge.肯 : There is lettuce in the fridge.
否 : There is not any lettuce in the fridge.
否 : There is no lettuce in the fridge.肯 : There is a mushroom in the fridge.
否 : There is not a mushroom in the fridge.
否 : There is no mushroom in the fridge.肯 : There is some pork in the freezer.
否 : There is not any pork in the freezer.
否 : There is no pork in the freezer.
There is 的句型 / 疑問句
可數單數名詞 : Is there a 名詞 地方 ?
不可數單數名詞 : Is there any 名詞 地方 ?
不可數單數名詞 : Is there a lot of / much 名詞 地方 ?疑問句
1. 是否問句 : Yes or No questions (問問題時句尾語調上揚)
2. Wh 問句 : Wh questions (問問題時語調下降)=---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. Is there a carrot in the fridge?
2. Is there an onion in the fridge?
3. Is there a mushroom in the fridge?
4. Is there a bell pepper in the fridge?
5. Is there any broccoli in the fridge?
6. Is there a lot of (much) butter in the fridge?
7. Is there any milk in the fridge?
8. Is there any pork in the freezer?
9. Is there a lot of beef in the freezer?
10. Is there any ice cream in the freezer?
11. Is there a lot of fish in the freezer?---------------------------------------------------------Is there a 名詞 地方 ?
Is there any 名詞 地方 ?
Is there a lot of / much 名詞 地方 ?肯定簡答 : Yes, there is.
否定簡答 : No, there isn't
肯定詳答 : There is....
否定詳答 : There isn't...---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. Is there any broccoli on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't any broccoli on the table.
2. Is there a mushroom on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is a mushroom on the table.
3. Is there a cucumber on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't a cucumber on the table.
4. Is there any butter on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't any butter on the table.
5. Is there any fish on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't any fish on the table.
6. Is there a carrot on the table?
Yes, there is.
there is a carrot on the table.
7. Is there any garlic on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is some garlic on the table.
8. Is there a bell pepper on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is a bell pepper on the table.
9. Is there an onion on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is an onion on the table.'
10. Is there any bread on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is some bread on the table.
11. Is there any pork on the table?
Yes, there is.
There is some pork on the table.
12. Is there any milk on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't any milk on the table.
13. Is there any ice cream on the table?
No, there isn't.
There isn't any ice cream on the table.---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. Is there a black cell phone on the TV?
Yes, there is.
There is a black cell phone on the TV.
2. Is there a pink brush in the bathroom?
No, there isn't.
There isn't a pink brush in the bathroom.
3. Is there any fruit on the cake?
Yes, there is.
There is some fruit on the cake.
4. Is there a blue purse on the sofa?
No, there isn't.
There isn't a blue purse on the sofa.
There are 句型 / 肯定句
There are 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are some 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are a lot of 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are many 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are 數字 複數可數名詞 + 地方NOTE : vegetable 、 noodle 通常以複數形式出現---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. There are a lot of vegetables on the table.
2. There are a lot of sweet potatoes on the table.
3. There are some hamburgers on the table.
4. There are some sandwiches on the table.
5. There are some dumplings on the table.
6. There are some eggs on the table.
7. There are some hot dogs on the table.
8. There are some noodles on the table.---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. There are many credit cards on my wallet.
2. There are a lot of people in the shopping mall.
3. There are a lot of flowers in the garden.
4. There are many presents underneath the Christmas tree.
There are 句型 / 否定句
There are not 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are not any複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are not a lot of 複數可數名詞 + 地方
There are not many 複數可數名詞 + 地方許多 :
much + 不可N (用於疑問句、否定句)
many + 可N (用於疑問句、否定句、肯定句)
a lot of + 可N or 不可N (用於疑問句、否定句、肯定句)---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. There aren't any vegetables on the table.
2. There aren't any sweet potatoes on the table.
3. There aren't any hamburgers on the table.
4. There aren't any sandwiches on the table.
5. There aren't any dumplings on the table.
6. There aren't any eggs on the table.
7. There aren't any hot dogs on the table.---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. There aren't many cookies on the jar.
2. There aren't any nuts in may salad.
3. There aren't any turtles in the pond.
4. There aren't any restaurants in this town.
There are 句型 / 疑問句
Are there any / a lot of / many 複數可數名詞 地方 ?
肯定簡答 : Yes, there are.
肯定詳答 : There are ....
否定簡答 : No, there aren't.
否定詳答 : There aren't ...---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. Are there any vegetables in the bags?
Yes, there are.
There are a lot of vegetables in the bags.
2. Are there any sweet potatoes in the bags?
No, there aren't.
There aren't any sweet potatoes in the bag.
3. Are there any hamburgers in the bag?
No, there aren't.
There aren't any hamburgers in the bag.
4. Are there any sandwiches in the bag?
Yes, there are.
There are two sandwiches in the bag.
5. Are there any dumpling in the bag?
No, there aren't.
There aren't any dumplings in the bag.
6. Are there any eggs in the bag?
Yes, there are.
there are some eggs in the bag.
7. Are there any hot dogs in the bag?
Yes, there are.
There are two hot dogs in the bag.
1. Are there any tomatoes in my salad?
There are some tomatoes in my salad.
There aren't any tomatoes in my salad.2. Is there some paper in the bathroom?
There is some paper in the bathroom.
There isn't any paper in the bathroom.3. Are there any berries in my yogurt?
There are some berries in my yogurt.
There aren't any berries in my yogurt.4. Are there any plates in the cupboard?
There are a lot of plates in the cupboard.
There aren't any plates in the cupboard.
1. 英文翻成中文時有時候順序會倒過來
中 : 地方 + 有...(東西)
英 : 有 ... + 介係詞 地方
2. 翻譯前先想要用哪一個 句型、時態、主詞、動詞 要用哪一個---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. 桌上有一些草莓
There are some strawberries on the table.
2. 那裏有一些狗
There are some dogs (over) there.
NOTE : home, there, here 前面不需要加介係詞
3. 碗裡有一些米 (米不可數)
There is some rice on the bowl.
4. 袋子裡沒有一把鑰匙
There isn't a key in the bag.
5. 這附近有加油站嗎 ?
Are there any gas stations nearby?
How many 句型
肯定句 : There are two books on the table.
=> How many 複數名詞 are there 地方 ?---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. How many bananas are there on the table?
There are 8 bananas on the table.
2. How many watermelons are there on the table?
There are two watermelons on the table.
3. How many strawberries are there on the table?
There are four strawberries on the table.
4. How many apples are there on the table?
There are five apples on the table.---------------------------------------------------------
day / in a week
How many days are there in the week?
There are 7 days in the week.day / in February
How many days are there in February?
There are 28 days in February.continent / in the world
How many continents in the world?
There are seven continents in the world.planet / in the solar system
How many planets are there in the solar system?
There are eight planets in the solar system.state / in the United States
How many states are there in the United States?
There are 50 states in the United States.
This / That / These / Those
This / That / These / Those 可以當成 代名詞 或 形容詞1. 指遠近東西 單數 : this, that
This is a/an 單數名詞.
That is a/an 單數名詞.
(1) This is a marker.
(2) This is an eraser.
(3) This is a bird.
(4) That is a snake.
(5) That is a truck.
(6) That is an umbrella.
2. 指遠近東西 複數: these, those
These are 複數名詞.
Those are 複數名詞.
(1) These are markers.
(2) These are erasers.
(3) These are birds.
(4) Those are snakes.
(5) Those are trucks.
(6) Those are umbrellas.
3. 介紹
(1) This is my girlfriend.
(2) This is my dad.
(3) This is my sister.
(4) That is my mom.
(5) These are my friends.
(6) Those are my brothers and sisters.
4. 形容一件事情
(1) This is amazing.
(2) That is disgusting.
(3) Those are beautiful.
(4) Those are cool.
5. 形容來表達剛剛說話的話 : 剛剛說過的某一段話算單數的 所以代名詞用 that
(1) Let's go watch movie? That is a good idea.
(2) We will build a school in Africa. That is cool.---------------------------------------------------------現在簡單式(present simple tense) be動詞句型
代表 => 狀態、事實S + beV + n. / adj.
be動詞 後面要加 名詞 或 形容詞。
句子後面只有 名詞 或 形容詞 的前面要有 be 動詞
EX : 1. She is crazy. => She must be crazy.
2. I will be a teacher.
3. You can't be a pilot.
4. He will be OK.
5. They have(助動詞) been late for school.
6. He has been a driver for 8 years.
This / That / These / Those 肯定句,否定句,疑問句
This is a/an 單數名詞或形容詞
That is a/an 單數名詞或形容詞
These are 單數名詞或形容詞
Those are 單數名詞或形容詞否定句
This is not a/an 單數名詞或形容詞
That is not a/an 單數名詞或形容詞
These are not 複數名詞或形容詞
Those are not 複數名詞或形容詞疑問句
Is this a/an 複數名詞或形容詞 ?
Is that a/an 複數名詞或形容詞 ?
Are these 複數名詞或形容詞 ?
Are those 複數名詞或形容詞 ?---------------------------------------------------------練習區
肯 : That is a brush.
否 : That is not a brush.
疑 : Is that a brush?肯 : This is a dish.
否 : This is not a dish.
疑 : Is this a dish?肯 : That is a church.
否 : That is not a church.
疑 : Is that a church?肯 : This is a crab.
否 : This is not a crab.
疑 : Is this a crab?肯 : Those are watches.
否 : Those are not watches.
疑 : Are those watches?肯 : These are tomatoes.
否 : These are not tomatoes.
疑 : Are these tomatoes?肯 : Those are sheep.
否 : Those are not sheep.
疑 : Are those sheep?肯 : These are teeth.
否 : These are not teeth.
疑 : Are these teeth?
be動詞 的句型,在問 wh問句 或 是否問句,都要把 be動詞 調到主詞前面。
1. What is this?
2. What is that?
This is a/an ...
That is a/an ...
It is a/an...3. What are these?
4. What are those?
These are ...
Those are ...
They are ...---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. What is that?
This is a cell phone.
2. What is this?
This is a charger.
3. What is that?
That is a mouse.
4. What is this?
This is an adapter.
5. What are these?
These are speakers
They are speakers.
6. What are these?
These are tablets.
They are tablets.
7. What are those?
Those are batteries.
They are batteries.
8. What are those?
Those are laptops.
They are laptops.
使用時機 : 當某個名詞已經在先前的對話被提及,通常當那個名詞再次被提及時會使用代名詞。人稱代名詞 : I, You(你), You(你們), He, She, We, They, It主格代名詞 : 把代名詞放在子具的最剛開始
EX : He is Dino
They have a dog.受格代名詞 : 放在動詞後面的代名詞
EX : My mom likes them.
It was him.所有格形容詞 : 所有格形容詞告訴你東西的擁有者
EX : It is my book.
These are her jeans.
形容詞的功用 : 修飾名詞(放在名詞的前面)
所有格(形容詞) : 告訴你這個名詞是誰所擁有的代名詞 所有格形容詞 名詞
I my cell phone
You Your girlfriend
He His uncles
She her boss
We our car
They their shoes
it its food
人名+'+s lesson
Paul and Vicky's(共同擁有)
Paul's and Vicky's(各自擁有)
Whose __is it? 單數句型
This is 所有格形容詞 名詞
That is 所有格形容詞 名詞
It is 所有格形容詞 名詞---------------------------------------------------------練習區This is my shirt.
That is my shirt.
It's my shirt.This is your skirt.
That is your skirt.
It's your skirt.This is his jacket.
That is his jacket.
It is his jacket.This is his T-shirt.
That is his T-shirt.
It is his T-shirt.This is her sweater.
That is her sweater.
It is her sweater.This is her dress.
That is her dress.
It is her dress.This is its scarf.
That is its scarf.
It is its scarf.---------------------------------------------------------練習區
do one's best
Somebody will do somebody's best.
1. I will do my best.
2. You will do your best.
3. He will do his best.
4. She will do her best.
5. They will do their best.
6. We will do our best.
7. It will do its best.---------------------------------------------------------Wh 問句Whose 名詞 is this ?
Whose 名詞 is that ?
Whose 名詞 is it ?---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. Whose T-shirt is this?
It's Paul's T-shirt.
It's his T-shirt.
2. Whose skirt is this?
It's Maggie's skirt.
It's your skirt.
3. Whose shirt is this?
It's Matt's shirt.
It's his shirt.
4. Whose scarf is this?
It's Lucky's scarf.
It's its scarf.
5. Whose dress is this?
It's Rita's dress.
It's her dress.
6. Whose sweater is this?
It's Sarah's sweater.
It's her sweater.
7. Whose jacket is this?
It's Matt's jacket.
It's his jacket.
Whose __are they? 複數句型
主詞 動詞 所有格 複數名詞
These my scissors
Those are your glasses
They his pants
her trousers
our jeans
their shorts
its shoes---------------------------------------------------------Wh 問句Whose 複數名詞 are these ?
Whose 複數名詞 are those ?
Whose 複數名詞 are they ?---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. Whose scissors are these?
They are the students' scissors.
They are their scissors.
2. Whose glasses are these?
They are Matt's glasses.
They are his glasses.
3. Whose pants are these?
They are my pants.
4. Whose jeans are these?
They are Sarah's jeans.
They are her jeans.
5. Whose shorts are these?
They are your shorts.
6. Whose shoes are these?
They are Penny's and Nick's shoes.
They are their shoes.
7. Whose trousers are these?
They are Ben's trousers.
They are his trousers.---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. Whose dogs are these?
They are my friends' dogs.
These are my friends dogs.
Those are my friends dogs.
2. Whose children are those?
They are our neighbors' children.
Those are our neighbors's children.
There are our neighbors's children.
所有格形容詞 所有格代名詞
1. my + n 1. mine
2. your + n 2. your
3. his + n 3. his
4. her + n 4. hers
5. our + n 5. ours
6. their + n 6. theirs
7. its + n 7. its
8. Dino's + n 8. Dino's先前的對話已經提及這個名詞,後面就可以用代名詞EX : Whose hot dog is this?
It's my hot dog.
It's mine.EX : It this your hat?
No, It's his.---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. This is her charger.
This is hers.
2. It is not his sweater.
It is not his.
3. These are your batteries.
There are yours.
4. Is it your book?
Is it your?
5. These are Dino's notebooks.
These are Dino's.
6. They aren't my jeans.
They aren't mine.
7. That is our house.
That is ours.
8. Are these her flowers?
Are these hers?
9. Those are their T-shirts.
Those are theirs.
10. It is its toy.
It is its.
11. It that Kelly's key?
It that Kelly's?---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. This umbrella is my umbrella.
This umbrella is mine.
2. That book is her book.
That book is hers.
3. These jeans are Sarah's jeans.
These jeans are Sarah's.
4. Those shoes are our shoes.
Those shoes are ours.---------------------------------------------------------練習區 - 句型轉換1. That is our food.
That food is ours.
2. These are her projects.
These projects are hers.
3. Those are his shirts.
Those shirts are his.
A(名詞) of(所有格的'的') B(名詞) => 中文 : B 的 A
EX : house of cards 紙牌屋
EX : games of thrones 權力遊戲
EX : the lord of the rings 魔戒----------------------------------------B's A 名詞一撇 s 方法通常是用於人或動物,此種形式越來越常被用
EX : the film's director
EX : the shop's name
EX : the restaurant's service
EX : life's meaning
EX : the hotel's window
EX : my children's mother
EX : the man's nameA of B 適用於不是人或動物,在指物體的時候,此種形式比較正確、正式
EX : the director of the film
EX : the name of the shop
EX : the service of the restaurant
EX : the meaning of life
EX : the windows of the hotel
EX : the mother of my children
EX : the name of the man----------------------------------------地方的所有格地方's 名詞
EX : Berlin's weatherthe 名詞 介係詞 the(a/an) 地方
EX : the weather in Berlin
EX : the food in Korea
EX : the air pollution in China
EX : the students in the classroom
EX : the books on the table
EX : the clothes in the closet
EX : the food in the pot----------------------------------------時間的所有格時間's 名詞
EX : yesterday's food
EX : next Monday's meetings
EX : last week's newspaper
名詞 時間
EX : the food yesterday
EX : the meeting next Monday
EX : the newspaper last week----------------------------------------其他名詞 介係詞 名詞
EX : these girls with red hats
EX : the boy with blue eyes
EX : the teacher from the States
人稱代名詞-主格 V. 人稱代名詞-受格
子句的開始 動詞 擺在動詞,介係詞後
I me
You you
He him
She her
We us
They them
It it---------------------------------------------------------練習區
Q : Who ate the cake?
A : It was you.
A : It was him.
A : It was her.
A : It was us.
A : It was them.
A : It was it.Somebody love(s) Somebody
1. They love me.
2. We love you.
3. She loves him
4. He loves her.
5. They love us.
6. We love them.
7. I love it.
名詞組合 : 限定詞(配角) + 名詞(主角) => 名詞片語
1. 冠詞 : a/an/the
2. 所有格形容詞 : my/your/his/her/our/their/its
3. 形容詞 : this/that/these/those
4. 量詞 : one/some/a few/a little/a lot of/much/many名詞(主角) : 決定這個名詞組合是單數還是複數
名詞前面只有 1 個限定詞---------------------------------------------------------練習區可數名詞 - 單數
1. 冠詞 : a/an/the
2. 所有格形容詞 : my/your/his/her/our/their/its
3. 形容詞 : this/that
4. 量詞 : oneEX : the apple / an apple / my apple / that apple / one apple /
her apple不可數名詞
1. 冠詞 : the
2. 所有格形容詞 : my/your/his/her/our/their/its
3. 形容詞 : this/that
4. 量詞 : some/a little/a lot of/muchEX : the butter / this butter / that butter / his butter /
some butter / a lot of butter / much butter可數名詞 - 複數
1. 冠詞 : the
2. 所有格形容詞 : my/your/his/her/our/their/its
3. 形容詞 : these/those
4. 量詞 : some/a few/a lot of/many
EX : these bananas / those bananas / my bananas / some bananas /
seven bananas / a few bananas / many bananas / a lot of bananas
1. be動詞 S + beV
2. 動作動詞 S + action V
3. 助動詞 S + helping V---------------------------------------------------------練習區1. A boy : be動詞的句子
A Boy is knocking at the door.2. the mother : 動作動詞的句子
The mother needs water.3. the parties : be動詞的句子
The parties were so much fun.4. these hamburgers : 動作動詞的句子
These hamburgers smell really good.5. those shoes : 助動詞句子
Those shoes must be very expensive.6. my books : 動作動詞的句子
My books needed to be moved.7. their apartment : be動詞的句子
Their apartment is under 20 million NT$.8. John and Vicky's daughter : 動作動詞的句子
John and Vicky's daughter wants to be a nurse.9. yesterday's match : be動詞的句子
Yesterday's match was fantastic.---------------------------------------------------------練習區...的 n.
一組的主詞(放在主要動詞前) or 一組的受詞(放在主要動詞後)a of b => b 的 a
a 為主要名詞,判別單複數的主詞1. the service of the restaurant : Be動詞的句子
The service of the restaurant was amazing.2. the wheels of that car : 助動詞的句子
The wheels of that car can't be changed right away.---------------------------------------------------------練習區n. 介係詞 + 名詞(介係詞片語)
... 的 n.1. the air pollution in China : be動詞的句子
The air pollution in China is very serious.2. the books on the table : be動詞的句子
The books on the table are Tim's.3. The girls with red hats : be動詞的句子
The girls with red hats is looking on you.
1. Jerry and I => we
2. his brother's girlfriend => she
3. these strawberries => they
3. that elephant => it
4. the bus driver => he/she
5. you and the girl => you
6. the cover of the book => it
7. out food => it
8. your brothers => they
9. the people in Hong Kong => they
10. the fruit in the fridge => it
11. these women with red dresses => they
12. her cat => it---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. A boy is knocking at the door
He is knocking at the door
2. The mother needs water
She needs water.
3. The parties were so much fun.
They were so much fun.
4. Those shoes must be very expensive.
They must be very expensive.
1. 找出要講的句子的 S or V
2. 思考這是什麼樣的句型 肯or疑or否
3. 思考要用哪一個時態
4. 注意單複數
5. 練習用句型去講英文 S + V---------------------------------------------------------練習區
1. 這是甚麼? 那是我媽的新窗簾
What is this? That is my mom's new curtain.
2. 那是你姊嗎?
Is that your sister?
3. 這些不是我的東西
These things are not mine.
4. 這是誰的手機?
Whose cell phone is this?
5. 這是來自加拿大的火腿
This is the ham from Canada.
6. 這是誰的牛仔褲?
Whose jeans are these?
7. 那不是 Ian 的弟弟嗎?
Isn't that Ian's brother?
8. 那些是什麼? 他們是我的玩具
What are those? They are my toys.
9. 這些冰淇淋是我們的
This ice cream is mine.
10. 那些書是我的孩子們的
Those books are my children's.
現在簡單式 be 動詞的句型
介紹現在簡單式 be 動詞句型
現在簡單式 - be 動詞的句子 : 事實、現在狀態
英文常識 : 動詞會透露事情發生的時間點,還有許多細節。肯定句 : S + beV + n./adj.
否定句 : S + beV + not + n./agj.
疑問句 : Bev + S + n./ adj?
人稱代名詞配合 be動詞及其縮寫
人稱代名詞 現在be動詞 is/am/are
I am => I'm
he/she/it is => he's/ she's / it's
they/we/you are => they're/ we'r / you're
現在簡單式 be 動詞生活句型句型
肯定句1. I am tall. => I'm tall.
2. I am fat. => I'm fat.
3. I am beautiful. => I'm beautiful.4. You are pretty. => You're pretty.
5. You are attractive. => You're attractive.
6. You are strong. => You're strong.7. He is thin. => He's thin.
8. He is young. => He's young.
9. He is short. => He's short.10. She is old. => She's old.
11. She is beautiful. => She's beautiful.
12. She is tall. => She's tall.13. We are pretty. => We're pretty.
14. We are young. => We're young.
15. We are attractive. => We're attractive.16. They are young. => They're young.
17. They are thin. => They're thin.
18. They are beautiful. => They're beautiful.19. It is old. => It's old.
20. It is fat. => It's fat.
21. It is short. => It's short.否定句1. I am not tall. => I'm not tall.
2. I am not fat. => I'm not fat.
3. I am not beautiful. => I'm not beautiful.4. You are not pretty. => You aren't pretty.
5. You are not attractive. => You aren't attractive.
6. You are not strong. => You aren't strong.7. He is not thin. => He's not thin.
8. He is not young. => He's not young.
9. He is not short. => He's not short.10. She is not old. => She isn't old.
11. She is not beautiful. => She isn't beautiful.
12. She is not tall. => She isn't tall. 13. We are not pretty. => We're not pretty.
14. We are not young. => We're not young.
15. We are not attractive. => We're not attractive.16. They are not young. => They aren't young.
17. They are not thin. => They aren't thin.
18. They are not beautiful. => They aren't beautiful.19. It is not old. => It isn't old.
20. It is not fat. => It isn't fat.
21. It is not short. => It isn't short.生活例句練習1. Is she beautiful?
2. Are they strong?
3. We are young.
4. Is it fat?
5. He isn't old.
6. You are attractive.生活例句練習1. Your sister is pretty.
2. Your sister isn't pretty.
3. Is your sister pretty?4. That building is tall.
5. That building isn't tall.
6. Is that building tall?7. These pencils are short.
8. These pencils aren't short.
9. Are these pencils short?10. That woman is gorgeous.
11. That woman isn't gorgeous.
12. Is that woman gorgeous?13. Her children are adorable.
14. Her children aren't adorable.
15. Are her children adorable?16. The book is thin.
17. The book isn't thin.
18. Is the book thin?19. His brother is handsome.
20. His brother isn't handsome.
21. Is his brother handsome?22. These cherries are delicious.
23. These cherries aren't delicious.
24. Are these cherries delicious?
countries adjectives
Taiwan Taiwanese
USA American
Japan Japanese
Thailand Thai
Canada Canadian
Australia Australian
China Chinese
Britain British
France French
Spain Spanish
Germany German
India Indian要加 the 的國家
the Czech Republic
the Dominican Republic
the United States
the United Kingdom
the Philippines
the Netherlands(Holland)-------------------------------...從...(國家)來的
S + beV + from + 國家...是...國籍的
S + beV + adj.1. I am from Taiwan.
2. I am Taiwanese.
3. I am not from Taiwan.
4. I am not Taiwanese.
5. Am I from Taiwan?
6. Am I Taiwanese?7. I am from the United States.
8. I am American.
9. I am not from the United States.
10. I am not American.
11. Am I from the United States?
12. Am I American?13. You are from Japan.
14. You are Japanese.
15. You aren't from Japan.
16. You aren't Japanese.
17. Are you from Japan?
18. Are you Japanese?19. You are from Thailand.
21. You are Thai
21. You aren't from Thailand.
22. You aren't Thai.
23. Are you from Thailand?
24. Are you Thai? 25. He is from Canada.
26. He is Canadian.
27. He isn't from Canada.
28. He isn't Canadian.
29. Is he from Canada?
30. Is he Canadian?31. He is from Australia.
32. He is Australian.
33. He isn't from Australia.
34. He isn't Australian.
36. Is he from Australia?
37. Is he Australian?-------------------------------生活練習區1. Is your English teacher from Australia?
2. Is your English teacher Australian?3. My sister's husband isn't from Germany.
4. My sister's husband isn't German.5. Are those scientists from India?
6. Are those scientists Indian?7. My mother is from China.
8. My mother is Chinese.9. His girlfriend isn't from Japan.
10. His girlfriend isn't Japanese.11. Their buyers are from Thailand.
12. Their buyers are Thai.13. Are your classmates from France?
14. Are your classmates French?15. These students aren't from Canada.
16. These students aren't Canadian.
S + beV + adj./n.名詞 beV 形容詞. => 代名詞 beV 形容詞 名詞.The car is big. => It is a big car.
This sofa is small. => It is a small sofa.-------------------------------練習區1. These pencils are long
=> They are long pencils.
=> These are long pencils.2. This country is poor.
=> It is a poor country.
=> This is a poor country.3. This rope is long.
=> This is a long rope.
=> It is a long rope.4. The story is short.
=> It is a short story.5. The train is fast.
=> It is a fast train.6. This airplane is big.
=> This is a big airplane.
=> It is a big airplane.7. These watches are expensive.
=> These are expensive watches.
=> They are expensive watches.8. Those apples are cheap.
=> Those are cheap apples.
=> They are cheap apples.9. This spoon is small.
=> This is a small spoon.
=> It is a small spoon.10. That box is heavy.
=> That is a heavy box.
=> It is a heavy box.11. The bag is light.
=> It is a light bag.12. That girl is beautiful.
=> She is a beautiful girl.13. Those doctors are excellent.
=> They are excellent doctors.14. The boy is naughty.
=> He is a naughty boy.15. These men are handsome.
=> They are handsome men.
WH 問句
a/an last name
the first name
所有格 + full name
phone number
hometown----------------------------------My first name is Dino.
My last name in Chen.
My full name is Dino Chen.
My cell phone number is 090000000.
My hometown is Kaohsiung.
I am married.----------------------------------What
Where beV + S + ?
When1. What is your first name?
2. What is your last name?
3. What is your full name?
4. What is your phone number?
5. What is your address?
6. What is your hometown?
7. When is your birthday?
8. Are you married ? / Are you single?9. What are their name?
10. What are your sister's names?
11. What are those people's names?----------------------------------1. What is your first name?
My first name is Jennifer.
2. What is your last name?
My last name is Jackson.
3. What is your full name?
My full name is Jennifer Jackson.
4. What is your cell phone number?
My cell phone is 0912345678
5. What is your home number>
My home number is 012345678
6. When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the 7th of August 1987.
7. Where are you from?
I am from Britain. I'm British
8. What is your hometown?
My hometown is London.
9. What is your relationship status?
I am engaged
who 句型練習
1. He is my father.
2. He is her boss.
3. He is his uncle.
4. She is my friend.
5. She is my wife.
6. She is her mother.
7. This is my husband.
8. This is their mom.
9. This is her cousin.
10. That is my grandpa.
11. That is our teacher.
12. That is her daughter.
13. They are my family.
14. They are my daughter and son.---------------------------------------1. Who is he?
He is Terry.
He is Mia's grandpa.
2. Who is she?
She is Amy.
She is Vicky's sister.
2. Who am I?
3. Who are you?
4. Who is she?
She is Becky.
She is Mia's mom.
5. Who is this?
6. Who is that?
7. Who are they?
They are Nancy and Terry.
They are Mia's grandparents.
where 句型練習
S + BeV + prep. + a/an/the + n.placesWh問句句型
Where + beV + S + ?1. I am in New York.
2. You are in London.
3. Johnny is in Singapore.
4. Katie is in Bangkok.
5. My boyfriend and I are in Sydney.
6. Owen and Ashley are in Paris.
7. Her cat is in Hong Kong.
8. You and your sister are in Tokyo.---------------------------------------------1. Where are you?
2. Where am I?
3. Where is Johnny?
4. Where is Katie?
5. Where are you and your boyfriend?
6. Where are Owen and Ashley?
7. Where is her cat?
8. Where are my sister and I?---------------------------------------------1. Where is your father?
My father is in Singapore.
2. Where am I?
You are in Bangkok.
3. Where are Jessica and Luke?
They are in New York.
4. Where are you and your family?
We are in Sydney.
5. Where is Bill's girlfriend?
She is in Paris.
6. Where is his dog?
It is in London.
7. Where are you?
I am in Tokyo.8. Where are you?
I am in the bakery.
9. Where am I?
You are in the bedroom.
10. Where is Zoe's brother?
He is in the bathroom.
11. Where is your mom?
She is in the kitchen.
12. Where are you and Jimmy?
We are in the bookstore.
13. Where are the students?
They are in the hospital.
14. Where is your bag?
My bag is in the living room.
15. Where are my friends and I?
You and your friends are in the supermarket.
形容個性 : What beV S like?
...(東西)是個...樣的東西1. What is your mom like?
She is outgoing and friendly.
2. What is your new boyfriend like?
He is serious and hard working.
3. What is Will like?
He is nice and bad-tempered.
4. What is your new apartment like?
It is old but big.
5. What is Berlin like?
It is a very cool city.
6. What is the weather like in Thailand?
-----------------------------------練習區1. What am I like?
2. Where am I from?3. What are you like?
4. Where are you from?5. What is he like?
6. Where is he from?7. What is she like?
8. Where is she from?9. What are they like?
10. Where are they from?11. What are we like?
12. Where are we from?13. What is your boyfriend like?
14. Where is your boyfriend from?15. What is it like?
16. Where is it from?17. What is your grandpa like?
18. Where is your grandpa from?19. What is their English teacher like?
20. Where is their English teacher from?-----------------------------------練習區1. What is your French teacher like?
He is good-tempered.
2. Where is Peggy from?
She is from Japan.
She is Japanese.
3. What is James like?
He is serious.
4. Where is her husband from?
He is from China.
He is Chinese.
5. What is your boss like?
He is funny.
6. Where are you from?
I am from Germany.
I am German.
7. Where is James from?
He is from the United States.
He is American.
8. Where is your new colleague from?
She is from Thailand.
She is Thai.
9. What is her husband like?
He is bad-tempered.
10. What is Maggie like?
She is outgoing.
11. Where is your French teacher from?
He is from France.
He is French.
12. What is your new colleague like?
She is easygoing.
13. What is Peggy like?
She is friendly.
14. Where is your boss from?
He is from England.
He is British.
15. Where is Maggie from?
She is from Australia.
She is Australian.
16. What are you like?
I am nice.
如何回答 be動詞 句型的是否問句
1. Are you a doctor?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I am a doctor.
NO, I'm not.
No, I'm not a doctor.2. Are you organized?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I am organized.
No, I'm not.
No, I'm not organized.3. Are your hungry?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are hungry.
No, we aren't.
No, we aren't hungry.4. Am I fat?
Yes, you are.
Yes, your are fat.
No, you aren't.
No, you aren't fat.5. Am I your student?
Yes, you are.
Yes, you are my student.
No, you aren't
No, you aren't my student.6. Is he your boss?
Yes, he is.
Yes, he is my boss.
No, he isn't.
No, he isn't my boss.7. Is he old?
Yes, he is.
Yes, he is old.
No, he isn't.
No, he isn't old.8. Is she John's wife?
Yes, she is.
Yes, she is John's wife.
No, she isn't.
No, she isn't John's wife.9. Is she pretty?
Yes, she is.
Yes, she is pretty.
No, she isn't.
No, She isn't pretty.10. Are they your brothers?
Yes, they are.
Yes, they are my brothers.
No, they aren't.
No, they aren't my brothers.11. Are they friendly?
Yes, they are.
Yes, they are friendly.
No, they aren't.
No, they aren't friendly.12. Are we late?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are late.
NO, we aren't.
No, we aren't late.13. Are we still friends?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are still friends.
No, we aren't.
No, we aren't friends anymore.14. Is it hot there?
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is hot.
No, it isn't.
No, it isn't hot.15. Is it your cell phone?
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is my cell phone.
No, it isn't.
No, it isn't my cell phone.
現在進行式 (觀念)
現在正在 (持續不斷) 發生的事情1. I am writing.
2. She is walking.
3. They are laughing.-------------------------------------------公式 : S + are/is/am + Ving + now/at this moment/right now.肯定句
1. My dad is using the computer.
2. Her sister is reading a book.
3. Listen ! Someone is coming.
4. Look ! Those people are filming.疑問句 : BeV + S + Ving?
1. Are you doing your homework?
2. Is your husband working?否定句 : S + BeV + not + Ving.
1. I am not eating.
2. My parents are not sleeping.
現在進行式 (進階)
最近這段時間不停發生的事情 : this week/this month/this year補充 : live 居住(長期)
stay 待(短期的住) stay at a hotel.
stay at my grandparents' place.
stay at my friend's place.
Where are you staying?(你這陣子住哪裡)
I am staying at W Hotel.----------------------------------------------例 句
1. I am reading a book. It is very interesting. 我(最近)正在讀一本書
2. I am working in Banqiao today.
3. Tina will work in China. She is learning Chinese now.
他(最近這一陣子)在學中文----------------------------------------------表達一段時間通常會使用現在完成式----------------------------------------------最近 (持續不斷) 忙著做的事情 還沒有完成
不是常態、不是習慣、是暫時性的1. I am writing a book so I am staying at the hotel. There is too
much distraction at home.
2. My husband is not home. He is on business trip. My mom is staying
with us. She is helping me take care of the kids. I can't do it

動作動詞 + ing
1. sleep => sleeping
2. eat => eating
3. drink => drinking
4. cook => cooking
5. study => studying (不需要去 y + ing)
6. clean => cleaning
7. play => playing
8. try => trying.----------------------------字尾有 e 要去 e 加 ing1. write => writing
2. drive => driving
3. make => making
4. bake => baking
5. have => having
6. ride => riding
7. come => coming
8. leave => leaving----------------------------重複字尾 + ing
子子母子1. run => running
2. sit => sitting
3. hit => hitting
4. put => putting
5. get => getting
6. plan => planning
7. swim => swimming
8. stop => stopping
9. begin => beginning
10. admit => admitting
11. babysit => babysitting
1. I am listening to music.
2. I am using the computer.
3. I am having dinner.
4. She is drinking water.
5. She is taking a shower.
6. She is sleeping.
7. You are reading.
8. You are working.
9. You are drinking water.
10. He is swimming.
11. He is talking on the phone.
12. He is having breakfast.
13. We are eating.
14. We are watching TV.
15. We are studying.
16. They are listening to music.
17. They are working.
18. They are sleeping.
19. It is drinking water.
20. It is sleeping.
21. It is eating.----------------------------1. The guy is working.
2. My litter sister is listening to music.
3. Our students are having dinner.
4. My kids are reading.
5. Tina and John are having breakfast.
6. That dog is eating.
7. My family and I are watching TV.
8. His girlfriend is taking a shower.
9. The kids are studying.
10. My boss is talking on the phone.
11. My roommate is sleeping.
12. Those children are swimming.
13. The little girl is drinking water.
14. My mom and I are having lunch.
15. Jessica's husband is using the computer.
S + BeV + not + V-ingdo + n
do homework
do the laundry
do the dishesplay the 樂器
play the piano
play the drums
play the guitar
play the violinplay 球類運動
play soccer
play basketball
play badmintonmake 製作
make a cake--------------------------------------------例句1. She is not doing homework.
2. The maid is not cleaning.
3. His mom is not cooking.
4. My brother is not doing the laundry.
5. The mechanic is not fixing the car.
6. My daughter is not playing the piano.
7. The chef is not making a cake.
8. My brothers are not playing the computer games.
9. Her sister is not doing the dishes.
10. Thy boys are not playing soccer.
BeV + S + V-ing?1. Is the baby crying?
No, he/she isn't.
No, he/she isn't crying. He/She is sleeping.2. Is your brother studying?
No, he isn't.
No, he isn't studying. He is playing the computer game.3. Are your brothers swimming?
Yes, they are.
Yes, they are swimming.4. Are you having dinner?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I am having dinner.5. Are your students sleeping?
No, they aren't.
No, they aren't sleeping. They are playing.6. Is Kate reading a book?
Yes, she is.
Yes, she is reading a book.7. Is Henry's son listening to music?
No, he isn't.
No, he isn't listening to music. He is studying.8. Is your girlfriend drinking tea?
No, she isn't.
No, she isn't drinking tea. She is drinking coffee.9. Are we going to the mall?
No, we aren't.
No, we aren't going to the mall. We are going home.10. Is the bird flying?
No, it isn't.
No, it isn't flying. It is standing on the wire.
1. The people are waiting for the superstar.
2. The people are not waiting for the superstar.
3. Are the people waiting for the superstar?1. They are sunbathing on the beach.
2. They are not sunbathing on the beach.
3. Are they sunbathing on the beach?1. My daughter is practicing the piano.
2. My daughter is not practicing the piano.
3. Is your daughter practicing the piano?1. It is raining outside.
2. It isn't raining outside.
3. Is it raining outside?1. She is writing an email to John.
2. She is not writing an email to John.
3. Is she writing an email to John?1. My brother is booking a ticket right now.
2. My brother is not booking a ticket right now.
3. Is my brother booking a ticket right now?1. The sun is shining.
2. The sun is not shining.
3. Is the sun shining?1. We are looking for a solution.
2. We are not looking for a solution.
3. Are we looking for a solution?1. I am trying to work.
2. I am not trying to work.
3. Am I trying to work?1. She is talking to the customer.
2. She is not talking to the customer.
3. Is she talking to the customer?
現在進行式 Wh 問句
S + BeV + V-ing
Wh- Bev + S + V-ing?
WhyWhat BeV + S + doing? => S + BeV + V-ing
1. What are you doing
I am watching TV.
2. What is your dad doing
He is playing computer games.
3. What is Haley doing?
She is reading a book.
4. What are those people doing?
They are playing soccer.What BeV + S + eating?
1. What is the cat eating?
It is eating fish.
2. What is that student eating?
She/He is eating a hamburger.
3. What is Nick eating?
He is eating salad.
4. What are Tina's children eating?
They are eating pizza.What BeV + S + drinking?
1. What are you drinking?
I am drinking coffee.
2. What is the dog drinking?
It is drink milk.
3. What are they drinking?
They are drink juice.
4. What is your teacher drinking?
My teacher is drinking tea.What BeV + S + wearing?
1. What is the manager wearing?
He is wearing a suit.
2. What is your sister wearing?
She is wearing a shirt and a skirt.
3. What is your boyfriend wearing?
He is wearing a T-shirt and jeans
4. What is Jessica wearing?
She is wearing a coat and a sweater.Where BeV + S + going?
1. Where is your mom going?
She is going to the supermarket.
2. Where are you going?
I am going home.
3. Where are they going?
They are going to thebank.
4. Where are you going?
We are going to the bookstore.
未來很確定的計畫(即將發生的事情),距離現在近的時間未來式 : S + BeV going to + V1. I am going to meet John for dinner tonight.
I am meeting John for dinner tonight.
2. I am going to go to Taichung this weekend.
I am going to Taichung this weekend.
3. I am going to visit my mom tomorrow.
I am visiting my mom tomorrow.
4. He is going to fly to Tokyo on Saturday.
He is flying to Tokyo on Saturday.---------------------------------------What are you doing?
1. 你現在在做甚麼?
2. 你(未來的某個時間點)有什麼計畫?would like = want 想要
I would like ... 我想要
1. I would like some tea.
2. I would like some water.Would you like to v. ? (邀請)你想要...嗎
1. Would you like to see a movie with me?
2. Would you like to join us?
3. Would you like to have lunch with me?---------------------------------------如何表達未來時間
next Monday/week/year/month
this Monday/week/year/monthA :Hi, Henry! Would you like to play tennis with me sometime next week?
B : Sure, I would love to. When?
A : How about Monday?
B : I can't. I'm working on Monday.
A : OK! What about Tuesday? Are you free on Tuesday?
B : I can't. I'm going to the dentist on Tuesday.
A : OK! What about Friday? Are you free on Friday?
B : Sorry, I can't. I'm going to Shanghai on Friday. I'll be back on
A : You are a busy man. Are you available on Thursday?
B : Yes, I'm free. I'm not doing anything then.---------------------------------------1. Sammy is going to get married next month.
Sammy is getting married next month.
2. My sister is going to have a baby in September.
MY sister is having a baby in September.
3. They are going to move to New York tomorrow.
They are moving to New York tomorrow.
4. We are going to go to Germany next week.
We are going to Germany next week.
5. His taxi is going to arrive at 8.
His taxi is arriving at 8.
6. My husband is going to work this Sunday.
My husband is working this Sunday.
現在進行式 wh 問句
Where ... 問地方
What ... 問東西、動作
When ... 問時間
Why ... 問原因
Who ... 問關係、名字、人1. She is having dinner with her friends?
Who is she having dinner with?
2. She is having dinner with her friends.
What is she doing with her friends?3. Jane is going to the bookstore with John.
Where is Jane going with John?
4. Jane is going to the bookstore with John.
Who is going to bookstore with John.5. My brothers are playing in the park.
Where are your brothers playing?
6. My brothers are playing in the park.
Who is playing in the park-------------------------------------1. Where are you going?
I am going to Thailand.
2. When are you going?
I am going next week.
3. Who are you going with?
I am going with my boyfriend
4. Where are you staying?
We're staying at W hotel.
5. How many days are you staying?
We are staying for 5 days.
不能使用進行式的動詞 (狀態動詞)
心理認知 : want、know、understand、remember
1. I want to go to Italy.
2. I know him.
3. I understand what you meant.
4. I remember your name.情感表達 : love
1. She loves her husband.
2. He likes the idea.
3. We hate violence.擁有 : have、own
1. I have many books.
2. He owns three cars.感官知覺 : see、hear、taste、sound、smell
1. I see a dolphin.
2. I hear music.
3. It tastes delicious.
4. That sounds like fun.
5. It smells good.
例外 : fell/look
1. I feel sick. / I am feeling sick.
2. You look good today. / You are looking good today.定價 : cost
It costs 300US dollars.似乎 : seem
They seem happy.顯露出 : appear
He appears busy.認為、思考 : think
認為 (表達想法) : I think that he is handsome.
思考 : Be quiet! I'm thinking.
How is your summer vacation?
How is/was n 單數名詞 ?I hope you are having a great time with your grandparents.
I hope + 子句I can't wait to hear from you.
I can't wait to V. 我等不及...了
hear from 某人. 有(某人)的消息
Hello. May I speak to Tim?
May I V ? (有禮貌性請求允許)This is Tim speaking. Who is speaking?
This is 你的名字 speaking.How's it going?
= How are you?Great. When are you leaning for the party?
leave 離開
leave for + 目的地 離開前往 : I'm leaving for New York tomorrow.
It's a busy Wednesday afternoon.
Monday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Wednesday + evening
Thursday night
肯定句 :
1. S 非第三人稱單數 (I、You、複數名詞) + action V
2. S 第三人稱單數 + action Vs/es/ies否定句 :
1. do(I、You、複數名詞)
2. does(第三人稱單數)
3. S 非第三人稱單數 + do not + action V
4. S 第三人稱單數 + does not + action V (助動詞後面要加原型動詞)疑問句 :
1. Do S(非第三人稱單數) + action V(原型動詞) ?
2. Dose S(第三人稱單數) + action V(原型動詞) ?
+es :
1. watches
2. catches
3. teaches
4. washes
5. pushes
6. misses
7. passes
8. fixes
9. mixes
10. goes
11. does
12. buzzes不用去 y 直接 +s :
1. says
2. pays
3. plays
4. stays
5. buys
6. enjoys去 y +ies :
1. studies
2. tyies
3. flies
4. cries不規則 :
1. has直接加 s :
1. plans
2. knows
3. loves
4. sings
5. keeps
6. walks
7. jumps
8. asks
9. sits
10. hates
11. cuts
1. 狀態 State
2. 事實 fact
3. 習慣 habit-----------------------------------------------狀態
1. She likes green juice. (過去、現在、未來都喜歡)不能加 ing 的動詞 : like、love、hate、want、forget、know、understand
1. She likes pop music.
2. The love cats.
3. Farmers hate bugs-----------------------------------------------事實
1. The earth orbits the Sun. (過去、現在、未來都繞著轉)
2. The sun rises in the east.
3. Asians eat a lot of rice.
4. It rains a lot in April.
5. Money doesn't grow on trees.-----------------------------------------------習慣
1. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning. (過去、現在、未來的早上都喝)
2. She plays the piano.
3. In Spain, they usually eat dinner at 10 in the evening.
4. She doesn't take a nap.
5. I don't talk to strangers.-----------------------------------------------時間表 : 都用現在簡單式表達
1. The plane departs at 6 and arrives in New York at 7.
2. The matches starts at 9:30.
3. School begins at 9 and ends at 4:30.
4. When does the movie finish?
時間單位 :
1. second
2. minute
3. hour
4. day
5. week
6. month
7. year
8. decade
9. century一天的時間 :
1. morning
2. noon
3. afternoon
4. evening
5. night
6. midnight星期 :
1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Sunday
8. weekday (平日)
9. weekend (周末)月份 :
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December---------------------------------現在簡單式時間表達
every hour/day/week/month/year/morning/night/Sunday/Janusay
(過去有、現在有、未來也有) 1. My friend goes to Japan every yeay.
2. He goes to church every Sunday.
3. I wash my hair every night.
一天的時間 :
in the morning/afternoon/evening
at noon/night/midnight 星期 :
on + 星期 月份 :
in + 月份
1. I wake up at six thirty.
2. I get up at six forty.
3. I work out(健身) from seven thirty to eight thirty.
4. I have breakfast at around(大約) nine o'clock.
5. I go to work at nine forty.
6. I arrive at work at nine fifty.
7. I have lunch at twelve thirty.
8. I leave work at four thirty.
9. I arrive/get home at five thirty.
10. I have dinner at six thirty.
11. I watch TV from seven to eight thirty.
12. I take a shower at nine.
13. I brush my teeth at nine thirty.
14. I go to bed at ten o'clock.1. She wakes up at six thirty.
2. She gets up at six forty.
3. She works out(健身) from seven thirty to eight thirty.
4. She has breakfast at around(大約) nine o'clock.
5. She goes to work at nine forty.
6. She arrives at work at nine fifty.
7. She has lunch at twelve thirty.
8. She leaves work at four thirty.
9. She arrives/gets home at five thirty.
10. She has dinner at six thirty.
11. She watches TV from seven to eight thirty.
12. She takes a shower at nine.
13. She brushes my teeth at nine thirty.
14. She goes to bed at ten o'clock.---------------------------------練習
1. My grandmother wakes up at six o five.
2. My kids get up at seven thirty.
3. Mark burshes his teeth at eight twenty-five.
4. My dad goes to work at nine thirty.
5. My boss has breakfast at six fifteen.
6. Her husband works out from seven forty-five to eight forty-five.
7. Jessica arrives at work at ten thirty.
8. Some of the students have dinner at one o'clock
9. most of the emplyees here leave work at six o'clock.
10. The manager of this company gets home at ten.
11. Those students brush their teetn at eleven o'clock.
12. My wife and I go to bed at eleven forty-five.
1. It's doesn't like vegetables.
2. She doesn't understand that.
3. We don't know that person.
4. My daughter doesn't want a new toy.
5. I don't see the target.
6. He doesn't fell sad.
7. It doesn't smell good.
8. The millionaire doesn't own ten cars.
9. The speaker doesn't look nervous.
10. You don't seem worried.
11. The cake doesn't taste delicious.1. John doesn't wake up at five-thirty.
2. She doesn't cook for her boyfriend every day.
3. We don't take a vacation every year.
4. I don't drink tea in the afternoon.
5. She doesn't take a shower in the morning.
6. Mary doesn't eat fruit for breakfast.
7. Those students don't study in the library every day.
8. He doesn't talk to his mon every week.
9. She doesn't brush her hair before bed.
10. That writer doesn't write short stories.
11. My dad doesn't work for MacDonald.
12. My grandpa and uncles don't smoke.
13. The little girl doesn't walk her dog every afternoon.
14. Her boyfriend doesn't drive.1. The movie doesn't start at 7.
2. Your plane doesn't depart at 8:45.
3. Her train doesn't arrive at six in the morning.1. It doesn't snow in February.
2. Money doesn't come easy.
3. The headquarter of the company doesn't locate in London.
4. These kiwis don't come from New Zealand.
S + V 習慣
S + can + V 能力1. Do you do yoga?
Yes, I do.
I do yoga.
2. Do you listen to rock music?
No, I don't.
I don't listen to pop music.
I listen to rock music.3. Do I play tennis?
Yes, you do.
You play tennis
4. Do I drink coffee?
No, you don't.
You don't drink tea.
You drink coffee.5. Dose he sing?
6. Does he watch TV?
No, he doesn't.
He doesn't listen to the radio.7. Does she travel?
8. Does she work out?
No, she doesn't.
She doesn't swim.
she works out.9. Do they cook?
No, they don't.
They don't eat out.
10. Do they exercise?
Yes, they do.
They exercise.11. Does it drink milk?
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't drink water.
It drinks milk.
12. Does it go out?
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't always stay at home.
It goes out.13. Do we play the guitar together?
14. Do we eat out often?
Yes, we do.
We play the guitar together.15. Do you dance?
16. Do your play the piano?
Yes, you do.
You dance.
1. The department stores open at 10:30 in Taiwan.
2. The department stores don't open at 10:30 in Taiwan.
3. Do the department stores open at 10:30 in Taiwan?1. His girlfirend speak French very well.
2. His girlfriend doesn't speak French very well.
3. Does his girlfriend speak French very well?1. My roommate exercises six days a week.
2. My rommate doesn't exercise six day a week.
3. Does your rommate exercise six day a week?1. This happens very often.
2. This doesn't happen very ofted.
3. Does this happen very often?1. This event takes place(舉行、發生) every four years.
2. This event doesn't take place every four years.
3. Does this event take place every four years?1. It depends on the situation.
2. It doesn't depends on the situation.
3. Does it depend on the situation?1. Her husband tells her that he loves her every day.
2. Her husband doesn't tell her that he loves her every day
3. Does her husband tell her that he loves her every day?1. His dad works for an airline.
2. His dad doesn't work for an airline.
3. Does his dad work for an airline?1. My mon takes care of my grandmother every day.
2. My mon doesn't take care of my grandmother every day.
3. Does your mon take care of your grandmother every day?1. My students have to get up early in the morning.
2. My students don't have to get up early in the morning.
3. Do your student have to get up early in the morning?
have 的句型練習
have n.
可數名詞 :
單 - a/an/the
複 - 字尾加 s
不可數名詞 :
the 或什麼都不用加---------------------------練習肯定句
1. I have a house.
2. You have a dog.
3. He has an iPhone.
4. She has a jacket.
5. We have a daughter.
6. They have a million
7. It has a short tail.
8. You have a microwave.否定句
1. I don't have a car.
2. You don't have a cat.
3. He doesn't have an iPad.
4. She doesn't have a coat.
5. We don't have a son.
6. They don't have a billion.
7. It doesn't have a name.
8. You don't have an oven.疑問句
1. Do you have a house?
2. Do you have a car?
3. Do I have a dog?
4. Do I have a cat?
5. Does he have an iPhone?
6. Does he have an iPad?
7. Does she have a jacket?
8. Does she have a coat?
9. Do we have a daughter?
10. Do we have a son?
11. Do they have a million?
12. Do they have a billion?
13. Does it have a short tail?
14. Dpes it have a name?
15. Do you have a microwave?
16. Do you have an oven?問答練習
1. Does he have an iPad?
No, he doesn't.
He doesn't have an iPad.
2. Do I have a cat?
No, you don't.
You don't have a cat.
3. Do they have a billion?
No, they don't.
They don't have a billion.
4. Does it have a name?
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't have a name.
5. Does she have a jacket?
Yes, she does.
She has a jacket.
6. Do you have a car?
No, I don't.
I don't have a car.
7. Do we have a daughter?
Yes, we do.
We have a daughter.---------------------------練習肯定句
1. I have some slat.
2. You have some soy sauce.
3. He has some bananas.
4. She has some sandwiches.
5. We have some sugar.
6. They have some butter.
7. It has some bones.
8. You have some french fries.否定句
1. I don't have any ketchup.
2. You don't have any mustard.
3. He doesn't have any apples.
4. She doesn't have any chips.
5. We don't have any honey.
6. They don't have any mayonnaise.
7. It doesn't have any toys.
8. You don't have any vegetables.問答練習
1. Does he have any bananas?
Yes, he does.
He has some bananas.
2. Does it have any toys?
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't have any toys.
3. Do you have any ketchup?
No, I don't.
I don't have any ketchup.
4. Do we have any vegetables?
No, we don't.
We don't have any vegetables.
5. Do you have any sugar?
Yes, we do.
We have some sugar.
6. Do they have any butter?
Yes, they do.
They have some butter.
7. Does she have any chips?
No, she doesn't.
She doesn't have any chips.
8. Do I have any soy sauce?
Yes, you do.
You have some soy sauce.
want 的句型練習
S + want + to + 原VVing 動名詞 : 名詞
to + 原V : 不定詞-----------------------------------------------練習肯定句
1. I want to be a millionaire.
2. You wnat to go to Italy.
3. John wants to travel around the world.
4. Wendy wants to open a bakery.
5. My husband and I want to hele poor children.
6. Jim and Lisa want to build a hospital.
7. My cat want to go outside.
8. You and your wife want to have a babay.否定句
1. I don't want to work hard.
2. You don't want to go to France.
3. John doesn't want to stay in Taiwan.
4. Wendy doesn't want to be an office worker.
5. My husband and I don't want to buy expensive stuff.
6. Jim and Lisa don't want to donate the money.
7. My cat doesn't want to stay inside.
8. You and your wife don't want to study abroad.疑問句
1. Do you want to be a millionaire?
Yes, I do.
I want to be a millionaire.
2. Do you want to work hard?3. Do I want to go to Italy?
4. Do I want to go to France?
No, You don't.
You don't want to go to France.
You want to go to Italy.5. Does John want to travel around the world?
6. Does John want to stay in Taiwan?
No, he doesn't.
He doesn't want to stay in Taiwan.
He wants to travel around the world.7. Does Wendy want to open a bakery?
8. Does Wendy want to be an office worker?
No, she doesn't.
She doesn't want to be an office worker.
She wants to open a bakery.9. Do you and your husband want to help the poor children?
Yes, we do.
We want to help the poor children
10. Do you and your husband want to buy expensive stuff?11. Do Jim and Lisa want to build a hospital?
Yes, they do.
they want to build a hospital.
12. Do Jim and Lisa want to donate the money?13. Does your cat want to go outside?
Yes, It does.
It wants to go outside.
14. Dose your cat want to stay inside?15. Do you and your wife want to have a baby?
16. Do you and your wife want to study abroad?
No, we don't.
We don't want to study abroad.
We want to have a baby.
always : 100%
usually : 90%
normally : 80%
generally : 80%
often : 70%
sometimes : 50%
occasionally : 30%
seldom: 10%
hardly ever: 5%
rarely : 5%
never : 0%--------------------------------------------------(頻率)副詞的擺放位置
1. 頻副 + 動作動詞
2. be動詞 + 頻副
3. 助動詞 + 頻副 + 動作動詞
4. 助動詞 + 頻副 + be 動詞--------------------------------------------------練習
1. I never drive to work.
2. Kate sometimes walkes to school.
3. You hardly ever ride a scooter to work.
4. Liam and Penny seledom take the MRT to work.
5. John usually takes a taxi to work.
6. I always walk to work.
7. John never rides a scooter to work.
8. Kate sometimes takes a taxi to work.
9. You often drive to work.1. I never go to work by car.
2. Kate sometimes goes to wrok on foot.
3. You hardly go to school by scooter.
4. Liam and Penny seldom go to work by MRT.
5. John usually goes to work by taxi.
6. You often go to work by car.--------------------------------------------------練習
1. I usually get up late on Sunday.
2. My boyfriend is always late for work.
3. We never go swimming in January.
4. They often take a vacation in winter.
5. Max is hardy ever early for school.
6. My son sometimes dose his homework before dinner.
7. His neighbors always noisy on weekend.
8. I don't usually go out on weekend.
9. Wendy doesn't usually smoke.
S + 頻率副詞 + VS + V + 次數 + 一段時間
1. I brush my teeth three times a day.
2. He takes a shower twice a day.
3. You wash your hair once every two days.
4. She exercises six times a day.
5. They go to Japan once every three months.--------------------------------------------------How often does/do + S + V ?
1. How often do you brush your teeth?
2. How often does he take a shower?
3. How often do I wash my hair?
4. How often does she exercise?
5. How often do they go to Japan?--------------------------------------------------練習
1. How often does Mark go to the movies?
He goes to the movies once a month.
2. How often do you surf the Net?
I surf the Net every day.
3. How often do they eat out?
They seldom eat out.
4. How often does he talk to his mon?
He talks to his mon twice a day.
5. How often do your kids go to the dentist?
They go to the dentist once every six months.
6. How often do we clean our washing machine?
You clean your washing maching twice a year.
動作動詞句型 : How much does it cost?
Be動詞句型 : How much is it?S(單) costs money(錢) currency unit(貨幣單位)
S(複) cost money(錢) currency unit(貨幣單位)-----------------------------------------How much 不可數名詞 ?
How many 複數可數名詞 ?-----------------------------------------How much (money) does S(單) cost ?
How much (money) do S(複) cost ?-----------------------------------------練習
1. How much does an iMac cost?
An iMac costs 1799 dollors.
2. How much does the cell phone cost?
The cell phone costs 32,000 dollars.
3. How much does the tour cost?
The tour costs 700 baht.
4. How much does the facebook ad cost?
The facebook ad costs 2000 pounds.
5. How much do the vegetables cost?
The vegetables cost 10 euros.
6. How much does this set cost?
This set costs 6 euros.
7. How much do the books cost?
The books cost 1483 yuan.
8. How much does the plane ticket cost?
The plane costs 206 euros.
9. How mush does your service cost?
My service costs 10000 USD.
10. How much do these starbucks mugs?
These starbucks mugs cost 30 pounds.
11. How much do the plates cost?
The plates cost 999 dollars.-----------------------------------------How much does it cost to v? 做某一件事情1. How much does it cost to build a house?
It costs about 500,000 US dollars to build a house.
2. How much does it cost to travel around the world?
It costs about one million dollars to travel around the world.-----------------------------------------1. How much is an iMac?
It is 1799 dollars.
2. How much is the cell phone?
It is 32,000 dollars.
3. How much is the tour?
It is 700 baht.
4. How much is the facebook ad?
It is 20000 pounds.
5. How much are the vegetables.
They are 10 euros.
6. How much is the set?
It is 6 euros.
7. How much are the books?
They are 1483 yuan.
8. How much is the plane ticket?
It it 206 euros.
9. How much is your service?
It is 10,000 dollars.
10 How much are these starbucks mugs?
They are 30 pounds.-----------------------------------------S(人) spend(s) money on things1. I usually spend around 9000 dollars on food every month.
2. We always spend a lot of money during Chinede New Year.
3. He never spends any money on clthoes.
人 spend time
1. I usually spend three hours preparing for the meeting.
2. She usually spends thirty minutes doing her homework.
3. I always spend around one thousand dollars a month on
4. He spends a lot of money on alcohol.做某事要多花少時間
It(虛主詞) takes time (to get)-------------------------------------------------------1. It takes 50 minutes (to get) from Taipei to Kaohsiung by plane.
2. It takes 96 minutes (to get) from Taipei to Kaohsiung by train.
3. It takes 5 hours (to get) from Taipei to Kaohsiung by bus.-------------------------------------------------------It departs/leaves/arrives at time1. The plane(It) departs at 7:30 am.
2. The plane(It) arrives at 8:25 am.
3. The train leaves at 2:31 pm.
4. The train arrives at 4:05 pm.
5. The bus leaves at 12 o'clock(12 noon).
6. The bus arrives at 5 o'clock in the afternoon(5 pm).It costs money (to get) from A to B by 交通工具1. It costs 3100 dollars (to get) from Taipei to Kaosiung by plane.
2. It costs 1490 dollars (to get) from Taipei to Kaosiung by train.
3. It costs 380 dollars (to get) from Taipei to Kaosiung by bus.-------------------------------------------------------How long does it take (to get) from A to B by 交通工具?1. How long does it take to get from Taipei to Kaoshiung by plane?
2. How long does it take (to get) from Shanghai to Beijing by train?
3. How long does it take from your home to your office by taxi?
4. How long does it take from here to the airport by MRT?
5. How long does it take from the hospital to the train station by
shuttle bus?
6. How long does it take from the pire to the island by ferry?-------------------------------------------------------What time does/do S depart/leave/arrive?1. What time does the bus leave?
2. What time does the train leave?
3. What time does the bus arrive?
4. What time does the train arrive?-------------------------------------------------------How much does it cost (to get) from A to B by 交通工具 ?
1. How much does it cost to get from your office to the restaurant
by taxt?
2. How much does it cost to get from Taipei to Taichung by bus?
3. How much does it cost to get from New York to Chicago by plane?-------------------------------------------------------說明旅程有多長
It takes time (to get) from A to B by 交通工具說明抵達或出發時間
It arrives/leaves/departs at time說明多少錢
It costs money (to get) from A to B by 交通工具1. How long does it take (to get) from London to Paris by train?
It takes tow and a half hours to get from London to Paris by
2. What time does the train leave?
It leaves at 7:01 pm.3. How much does it cost to get from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by plane?
It costs 4176 dollars to get from Bankok to Chiang Mai by plane.4. How long does it take from LA to Seattle by bus?
It takes 28h50min from LA to Seattle by bus.
5. What time does the bus arrive?
It arrives at 12:25 pm.6. How much does it cost from London to Paris by bus?
It costs 525 dollars.7. How long dose it take from Bankok to Chiang Mai by train?
It takes 11 hours from Bankok to Chiang Mai by train.8. How much does it cost from LA to Seattle by plane?
It costs 6615 dollars to get from LA to Seattle.9. How long does it take to get from Bankok to Chiang Mai by bus?
It takes 10 hours to get from Bankok to Chiang by bus.
10. What time dose the bus leave?
It leaves at 8:00 pm.10. How long does it take to get from London to Paris by plane?
It takes 1 hour 5 min to get from London to Paris by plane.
11. What time does the plane depart?
It departs at 9:25 pm.12. How much does it cost to get from Bankok to Chiang Mai by train?
It costs 650 dollars to get from Bankok to Chiand Mai by train.
1. 職業問答
問 : What do/does(動作動詞) S + V ?
達 : S beV a/an 職業名詞. (be 動詞的句子)練習
1. What does your best friend do?
She is a baker.
2. What does her boyfriend do?
He is an office worker.
3. What do I do?
You are a writress.
4. What do you do?
I am a police officer.
5. What does Penny do?
She is a nurse.
6. What does Micheal do?
He is an engineer.2. 居住地問答
問 : Where do/does(動作動詞) S + live?
達 : S live(s) in 地點.練習
1. Where does Micheal live?
He lives in LA.
2. Where do I live?
You live in Cairo.
3. Where does Penny live?
She lives is Brisbane.
4. Where does your best friend live?
She lives in Londom.
5. Where does her boyfriend live?
He lives in Beijing.
6. Where do you live?
I live in Taiwan.3. 兄弟姊妹數量問題
問 : How many brothers or sisters do you have?
達 : S have/has 數字 brother(s) and 數字 sister(s).
S don't/doesn't have any brothers or sisters.練習
1. How many brothers or sisters do I have?
You have 2 brothers and 1 sister.
2. How many brothers or sisters does Micheal have?
He has four brothers.
3. Hoe many brothers or sisters does Penny have?
She doesn't have any brothers or sisters.
4. How many brothers or sisters does your best boyfriend have?
She has three sisters.
5. How many brothers or sisters do you have?
I don't have any brothers or sisters.
7. How many brothers or sisters does her boyfriend have?
He have a brother and two sisters.4. 喜歡做的事情問答
問 : What do/does S like to do?
達 : S like(s) to V/V-ing.練習
1. What does your best friend like to do in her free time?
She likes to read and watch movie in her free time.
2. What do I like to do?
You like to play computer games in your free time.
3. What does Penne liks to do?
She likes to go cycling.
4. What does her boyfriend like to do?
He likes to do karaoke.
5. What do you like to do?
I like to hang out with friends.
6. What does Micheal like to do?
He likes to go fishing.
比較現在簡單式 be 動詞的句型 還有 動作動詞的句型
1. Teresa is a teacher
Is Teresa a taacher?
2. She teachs English.
Does she teach English?3. There are four rooms in this apartment.
Are there four rooms in this apartment?
4. It has four rooms in this apartemet.
Does it have four rooms in this apartment?3. The earth is round.
Is the earth round?
4. The earth orbits the sun.
Does the earth orbit the sun?5. Madrid is the capital of Spain.
Is Madrid the capital of Spain?
6. Madrid has a population of 3.3 million.
Does Madrid have a population of 3.3 million?--------------------------------------------------練習
1. __ your mon like cakes?
2. __ that table expensive?
3. __ those people doctors?
4. __ all of your sisters have college degrees?--------------------------------------------------否定句
1. Jane is married.
Jane isn't married.
2. Jane loves her husband.
Jane doesn't love her husband.3. My dog is fat.
My dog is not fat.
4. It eats too much.
It doesn't eat too much.

1. I work every day.
2. I am working today.3. I llive with my parents.
4. I am staying with my friends this week.5. I read books.
6. I am reading a book.7. I usually work in the office.
8. I am working from home today.9. I don't eat meat.
10. I am not eating meat.
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any books?
Do you have any friends?Do you have a pen?
Do you have a car?
Do you have a girlfriend?--------------------------------------------------How + adj. beV S ? 有多...
How big is your apartment?
How long is the bridge?
How high is the monutain?
How tall is the building?
How tall is someone?--------------------------------------------------weight n. 重量
What is your weight?
weigh v. 重
How much do you weigh?--------------------------------------------------What do you do? 問職業
What do you do in the morning? 問習慣--------------------------------------------------work for + 人/公司 為...(人或公司)工作--------------------------------------------------Can you describe your job in detail?
in detail 詳細地(通常放在句尾)--------------------------------------------------in charge (of + n/v-ing) 負責
Somebody is in charge.1. Who is in charge of this room?
2. Katie is in charge of contacting all the people.
3. John is in charge of buying all the food.--------------------------------------------------stresses adj. 感到有壓力的(人的感受)
stressful adj. 壓力大的(形容一件事情)people feel stredded.
things are stressful.--------------------------------------------------find 受詞(人或物) adj.
發覺或發現(某人或某物或某事) 是怎樣的1. He find her attractive.
2. I find it difficult to say.
3. I find it challenging.--------------------------------------------------get along 片語動詞 : 和睦相處1. We get along really well.
2. We don't get along really well.--------------------------------------------------by 時間介係詞 在... 之前I will go home by about 11.--------------------------------------------------Go to the(a) place(地方). 去某地個地方
Go to place(地方). 去做某一件事1. go to school. 去上學
2. go th the school. 去這一間學校3. go to church. 去做禮拜
4. go to the church. 去這一間教堂5. go to jail. 去坐牢
6. go to the jail. 去這一間監獄--------------------------------------------------Waht kind of 名詞
What kinds of 名詞What kinds of movies do you like?--------------------------------------------------as long as 只要 + S + V : 表達一種條件
I like all kinds of movies as long as they are good.
I will go as long as it is free.I like thrillers(驚悚片).-------------------------------------------------What do/dose S think of ____ ? 詢問對人、是、物的意見
備註 : I think of 是錯誤回答方式,think of 意思是想到、想起
備註 : I think S + V 為正確回答方式What do you think oj my new apartment?
I think it's so beautiful.What do you think of the MRT in Taipei?
I think it's very new and clean.What do you think of Mark's girlfriend?
I think She is lovely and funny.-------------------------------------------------Thank 某人 for V-ing/n1. Thank you for you help.
2. Thank you for calling.
3. Thank you for being such a great mom.
This is 要介紹的人名字
That is 要介紹的人名字This is Dino Chen-------------------------------------------------英文習慣由小到大1. He is a manager in a bank in New York.
2. He gets up at 5 o'clock every morning.------------------------------------------------The first thing S V(es) is (to) V(原) 某人所做的第一件事情是...1. The first thing I want to do is kiss you.
2. The first thing he does after a meal is smoke.
3. The first thing she does in her class is hug her students.------------------------------------------------S V then S V
用 then 來連接兩個子句(錯誤用法)S V and then S V 正確用法
1. She brushes her teeth and then she goes to bed.
S V. Then S V 正確用法
1. She brushes her teeth. Then she goes to bed.
S V. And then S V 正確用法
1. She brushes her teeth. And then she goes to bed.------------------------------------------------It takes time 做某件事情花了多少時間------------------------------------------------Ving N. 做這個動作這一件事(一組名詞)(第三人稱單數)
1. Watiching TV 看電視(這一件事情)
Watigning TV isn't good for you.
2. Doing yoga 做瑜珈(這一件事情)
Doing yoga makes me happy.
3. Smoking 抽菸(這一件事情)
Smoking causes cancer.
4. Eating healthy 吃得健康(這一件事情)
Eating healthy is expensive.
5. help + 受格(人) + 原型動詞
(1) Walking helps him clear his mind.
(2) I help my mon do the dishes.
(3) He helps his mon sweep the floor.
(4) I help my teacher collect homework.
6. Working hard and beliving in yourself are important.------------------------------------------------BeV late for ___
1. He is never late for work
2. I am late for school.
3. He is late for the meeting.------------------------------------------------at + 小地方 (公共場合、店家)
1. at the department store. / in the departmemt store 強調在建築物裡面
2. at the post office.
3. at the bank.
4. at the bus stop.
5. at the corner.
6. at the desk.in + 大地方 ------------------------------------------------S V until 時間分隔點1. My husband isn't home until tomorrow.
2. The class doesn't begin until 8:30.
3. The office is open until 6.------------------------------------------------as well 也1. I want to go home as well.
2. She needs take a shower as well.------------------------------------------------could : 較有禮貌的表達法,表達可能性------------------------------------------------even though 即使,儘管 : 表達強烈的對照1. There isn't much progress, even though we've worked so hard on
2. Even though he doesn't have much money, he donetes money to
charities every month.------------------------------------------------S + be good at + n/V-ing 擅長1. John is good at math.
2. I am good at English grammar.
3. My mon is good at making apple pies.
4. Cindy is good at solving problems.
1. 要使用哪一個時態
2. 找出主詞、動詞
3. 判斷使用句型 : 肯定句、否定句、疑問句、wh問句
4. 注意名詞的單複數、冠詞的使用-----------------------------------------------1. 我媽早餐吃水果
My mom eats fruits for breakfast.
2. 在夏天,每天下午都會下雨
It rains every afternoon in summer.
3. 你的女兒想要吃甚麼?
What does your daughter want to eat?
4. 水會在 0 度結凍
Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius(攝氏)/Fahrenheit(華氏)
5. 我的班機會在五點起飛,八點十分到
My plame takes off at five and arrives at eight ten.
6. 我爸從來不坐計程車去上班
My dad never takes a taxi to work.
7. 你喜歡吃什麼?
what do you like to eat?
8. 你有沒有這張票?
Do you have this ticket?
9. 我老公每天睡八個小時
My husband sleeps eight hours every day.
10. 美國總統住在白宮
The president of the United States lives in the White House.
11. 我們在公司都說英文
We speak English in(at) my company.
12. 馬克打網球嗎?
Does Mark play tennis?
13. 這家店半夜 12 點關門
This shop closes at midnight.
14. 我不聽鄉村音樂的
I don't listen to country music.
15. 他喜歡什麼種類的料理?
What kind(s) of food does he like?
beV sentence
肯定句 : S + was/were + n./adj./prep.
否定句 : S + was not/were not + n./adj./prep.
疑問句 : Was/were S + n./adj./prep?action V sentence
肯定句 : S + Ved/Vied(不規則) + 過去式時間
否定句 : S + did not + V + 過去式時間
疑問句 : Did + S + V + 過去式時間?
過去簡單式 : 在過去的某一個時間點所發生的某一件事或是一個動作
1. yesterday
yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon
yesterday evening
2. last
last week
last month
last year
last decade
last Monday
last December
3. 一段時間(時間長度) + ago
two seconds ago
five minutes ago
eight hours ago
four days ago
a week ago
ten months ago
six years ago
4. this 可以用來表達未來也可以用來表達過去
this morning
5. 過去日期
in December
in 1977
on the fifth of March
6. when S + V = 過去時間點
When I was 7 seven years old.
When they got married.
When you called me.
1. 過去時間點的狀態
I was fat 10 years ago.
She was just a little girl then.
He was a soldier when he got married.
They were poor when they were young.
There were many jets in the sky yesterday.
There were flowers on the table this morning.
There were many cars on the street this afternoon.
2. 過去時間點所發生的某一個動作或一件事情
I saw your dad yesterday.
Nina did yoga this morning.
He wrote a letter to her.
The little kissed the little girl.
They ate some fish last night.
Your teacher called and we talked about your grades at school.
3. 有時候會表達過去的習慣
I usually had a cup of coffee when I woke up.
He often hung out with his friends.
She sometimes made chocolate cake.例句
1. I told you.
2. I thought... 我以為
I thought he was your boyfriend.
3. I knew
I knew it 我早就知道了
4. I had a dog.
5. Did you know...?
Did you know Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world?
6. I found it.
1. cut cut cut
2. cost cost cost
3. hit hit hit
4. hurt hurt hurt
5. let let let
6. put put put
7. read read read
8. shut shut shut-----------------------------------------------1. say said said
2. pay paid paid
3. sell sold sold
4. tell told told
5. catch caught caught
6. teach taught taught
7. fight fought fought
8. buy bought bought
9. bring brought brought
10. think thought thought
11. have had had
12. hear heard heard
13. make made made
14. build built built
15. lend lent lent
16. send sent sent
17. spend spent spent
18. dig dug dug
19. sit sat sat
20. get got got
21. shoot shot shot
22. lose lost lost
23. win won won
24. hold held held
25. feel felt felt
26. keep kept kept
27. sleep slept slept
28. sweep swept swept
29. leave left left
30. mean meant meant
31. meet met met
32. feed fed fed
33. lead led led
34. hang hung hung
35. stand stood stood
36. find found found
37. dream dreamt dreamt
38. learn learnt learnt
39. smell smelt smelt
40. spell splet splet
41. burn burnt burnt-----------------------------------------------1. beat beat beaten-----------------------------------------------1. run ran run
2. come came come
3. become became become-----------------------------------------------1. sing sang sung
2. ring rang rung
3. drink drank drunk
4. begin began begun
5. swim swam swum
6. speak spoke spoken
7. wake woke woken
8. steal stole stolen
9. break broke broken
10. choose chose chosen
11. wear wore worn
12. drive drove driven
13. eat ate eaten
14. give gave given
15. shake shook shaken
16. fall fell fallen
17. bite bit bitten
18. get got gotten
19. hide hid hidden
20. ride rode ridden
21. write wrote written
22. know knew known
23. grow grew grown
24. blow blew blown
25. throw threw thrown
26. fly flew flown
27. draw drew drawn
28. show showed shown
29. lie lay lain
30. do did done
31. go went gone
32. be was been
32. be were been
33. sww saw seen
過去簡單式 be 動詞的意思
過去簡單式 : 在過去某個時間點的狀態例句 :
1. I was tired this morning.
2. He was a teacher then.
3. They were very rich when they were young.
4. She was at the supermarket at 9:15.
5. You were angry yesterday.
6. It was hungry two hours ago.
7. Tom was last for work yesterday morning.
8. My mon and I were in New York last week.
9. My brother was a doctor five years ago.
10. Your sister was a good student.
11. Linda was famous in the 90s.
12. You were home last night.
13. They were on line an four ago.
14. It was an amazing movie.
15. Kate was my best friend then.
16. We were there last Saturday night.
1. I wasn't upset this afternoon.
2. He wasn't a police office then.
3. They weren't very poor when they were 17.
4. She wasn't in the bank at 10:55.
5. You weren't excited yesterday.
6. It wasn't sleepy before.
7. My son wasn't early for work yesterday morning.
8. My boyfriend and I weren't in US last winter.
9. MY brother wasn't a waiter 10 months ago.
10. Your dad wasn't a great speaker.
11. Long dressess weren't popular in the 80s.
12. You weren't here last night.
13. Your collegues weren't downstaires 5 minutes ago.
14. It wasn't a fantasic show.
15. Kate wasn't my sister in law.
16. We weren't downtown last Sunday.
1. Were you a taacher when you were young?
2. Was I at the beach?
3. Was he your boyfriend then?
4. Was she the best pianist in the world?
5. Were they here for you?
6. Was your dad worried last night?
7. Was it very expensive 10 years ago?-----------------------------------------------練習1. Were you 20 years old?
No,I wasn't. I wasn't 20 yeats old.
I was 25 years old.
2. Were you thin?
Yes, I was. I was thin.
3. Were you an intern?
Yes, I was. I was an intern.1. Was I 11?
No, you weren't. You weren't 11.
You were 10.
2. Was I a third grader?
No, You weren't. You wern't a third grader.
You were a second grader.1. Was he 34?
Yes, he was. He was 34.
2. Was he thin?
No, he wasn't. He wasn't thin.
He was fat.
3. Was he a businessman?
No, he wasn't. He wasn't a businessman.
He was unemployed.1. Was she 26?
No, she wasn't. She wan't 26.
She was 36.
2. Was she pretty?
Yes, she was. She was pretty.
3. Was she an accountant?
Yes, she was. she was an accountant.1. Were they married?
Yes, they were. They were married.
2. Were they in love?
Yes, they were. They were in love.
3. Were they interns?
No, they weren't. They weren't interns.
They were doctors.1. Were you in Switzerland?
No, we weren't. We weren't in Switzerland.
We were in Canada.
2. Were you rich?
No, we weren't. We weren't rich.
We were poor.
3. Were you happ?
Yes, we were.
We were happy.1. Was it 1 year old?
No, it wasn't. It wasn't 1 year old.
It was two years old.
2. Was it smart?
Yes, it was. It was smart.
3. Was it sick?
No, it wasn't. It wasn't sick.
It was healthy.----------------------------------------------------------1. Was your mon a housewife when she was 32?
No, she was't. She wasn't a housewife when she was 32.
She was a lawyer.
2. Were you and your ex-husband happy?
No, we weren't. We weren't happy.
3. Was John in his office?
Yes, he was. He was in office.
4. Was my hair long before?
Yes, it was. It was long.
5. Were these apples expensive?
No, they weren't. They weren't expensive.
They were cheap.
6. Was the new girl last this morning?
No, she wasn't. She wasn't late.
She was on time.
7. Was the journey fantastic?
Yes, it was. The journey was fantastic.
8. Were you with your family?
Yes, I was. I was with my family.
There was/There were 句型練習
There was a/an 單數名詞/不可數名詞 範圍
There were 複數名詞 範圍-------------------------------------------------肯 : There were 2 CDs on the table five minutes ago.
否 : There weren't 2 CDs on the table five minutes ago.肯 : There was a kitten there yesterday.
否 : There wasn't a kitten there yesterday.肯 : There were many tourists in the city last year.
否 : There weren't many tourists in the city last year.肯 : There were so many people by the lake this morning.
否 : There wasn't anybody by the lake this morning.肯 : There was an owl on the tree.
否 : There wasn't an owl on the tree.肯 : There were 7 boys in our class.
否 : There weren't 7 boys in our class.肯 : There was food in the kitchen last night.
否 : There wasn't any food in the kitchen last night.肯 : There were many police officers downtown last weekend.
否 : There wasn't any police officers downtown last weekend.肯 : There was a rock concert in the park last week.
否 : There wasn't a rock conert in the park last week.-------------------------------------------------1. There weren't any chairs but there are 3 chairs now.
2. There was a dog but there aren't any dogs.
3. There were three cats but there is only 1 cat now.
4. There were two men but there aren't any man in the room.
5. There weren't any children in the room but there are six children
in the room.
6. There weren't any TV in the room but there are two TVs in the
was there/ were there 疑問句及答句
Was there a/an 單數可數名詞?
(any) 不可數名詞?Were there (any) 複數名詞?-------------------------------------------------1. Were there any mistakes in the centence?
2. Was there a lot of trash in the ocean?
3. Were there any people in the shopping mall?
4. Was there any money left?
5. Were there two food courts in the shopping mall?
6. Were there many fish in the river when you were young?-------------------------------------------------1. Was there a post office in the town ten years old?
Yes, there was.
There was a post office in the town ten years old.
2. Was there a pet shop in the town ten years ago?
No, there wasn't.
There wasn't a pet shop in the town ten years ago.
3. Were there any supermarkets in the town?
No, there weren't.
There weren't any supermarkets in the town.
4. Was there a hospital in the town?
Yes, there was.
There was a hospital in the town.
5. Were there any department stores in the town?
No, there weren't.
There weren't any department stroes in the town.
6. Were there any banks in the town?
Yes, there were.
There were two banks in the town.
7. Were there any convenience stores in the town?
No, there weren't.
There weren't any convenience sotred in the town.
8. Was there a bookstore in the town?
Yes, there was.
There was a bookstore in the town?-------------------------------------------------1. Were there any children in the park?
Yes, there were.
There were many children in the park.
2. Was there a car in the park?
No, there wasn't.
There wasn't a car in the park.
3. Were there any vendors in the park?
Yes, there were.
There were vendors in the park.
3. Was there a police officer in the park?
Yes, there was.
There was a police officer in the park.
4. Was there a clown in the park?
No, there wasn't.
There wasn't a clown in the park.-------------------------------------------------How many 複數名詞 were there in the park?
There were 複數數字 複數名詞 in the park.
There was one 單數名詞 in the park.1. How many vendors were there in the park?
There were two vendors in the park.
2. How many children were there in the park?
There were nine children in the park.
3. How many police officers were there in the park?
There was a polic officers in the park.
1. I was in the bathroom when you called.
Where were you wher I called?
2. Jenny was there last Wednesday.
When was Jenny there?
3. Tim was with his parents last Sunday.
Who was Tim with last Sunday?
4. My sister was angry because she was hungry.
Why was your sister angry?
5. Henry and I were 37 when we got married.
How old were you and Henry when you got married.
6. It was a mouse.
What was it?
7. My day was fantastic.
How was your day?-------------------------------------------------1. Where were you?
I was in a park in Taiwan.
2. How old were you?
I was 18 years old.
3. Who was she?
She was my sister.4. Where was I?
You were in Mexico.
5. How old was I?
You were 5 years old.
6. Who was he?
He was your grandfather.7. Where were Kate and her husband?
They were in Canada.
8. How old were they?
They were 26 years old.
9. Who were they?
They were their kids.10. Where was your brother?
He was at his university.
11. How old was he?
He was 21.
12. Whoe were they?
They were his classmates.13. Where was your girlfriend?
She was in a cafe.
14. How old was she?
She was 25.
15. Who was she?
She was her best friend.16. Where were your friends?
They were at the holloween part.
18. How old were they?
They were 8.
19. Who were they?
They were their neignbors.20. Where were you and Leo?
We were in California.
21. Who were they?
They were our high school friends.
22. How old were you?
We were 29 years old.
過去簡單式 — 動作動詞句型練習
1. I woke up at 7:30.
2. I had breakfast at 8:00.
3. I left home for work at 8:30.
4. I arrived at work at 9:00.
5. I started working at 9:10.
6. I had lunch at 12:00.
7. I took a nap at 12:30.
8. I started working again at 1:00.
9. I left work at 5:00.
10. I went to a supermarket at 5:30. and I bought some food.
11. I had dinner at 6:00.
12. I watched TV for an hour.
13. I took a shower at 8:40.
14. I brushed my teeth at 9:40.
15. I read a book for an hour.
16. I went to bed at 11:00.
17. I fell sleepp at 11:20.-------------------------------------------------1. John cleaned the house last Saturday.
John went to a piano lesson last Sunday.
2. My girlfriend and I worked last Saturday.
My girlfriend and I listened to music and cooked ltalian food.
3. My son played basketball with his friend last Saturday.
My son study Chinese last Sunday.
4. Henry and Mindy houg out with friends last Saturday.
Henry and Mindy vistied their parents last Sunday.
5. I watched 3 movies last Saturday.
I had a picnic with my friends last Sunday.
6. You went to a concert last Saturday.
You fixed your bike last Sunday.
1. They didn't watch TV last night.
2. You didn't have a headache this morning.
3. My sister didn't study very hard last month.
4. I didn't find any money in the closet.
5. Lisa and her friends didn't listen to his podcast.
6. Three of your students didn't pass the exam.
7. I didn't have lunch with my family yesterday.
8. Tom's wife didn't go to the meeting on Wednesday.
9. The president of this company didn't want to retire.
10. We didn't play tennis last week.
11. Thoes people didn't have a lot of fun last weekend.
12. I didn't wake up early this morning.
13. They didn't arrive in Taipei two days ago.
14. He didn't hang out with his brother yesterday.
15. Cathy didn't need money.
Did S V(原型) ?1. Did your mom go to the dentist this morning?
2. Did you run some errands(差事)?
3. Did the gardener water the flowers?
4. Did the maid fold my clothes?
5. Did Micheal film the videos?
6. Did he contact you?
7. Did I reply all the comments?
8. Did your wife call the florist?
9. Did all of my employees attend the meeting?
10. Did you pay the bails?
11. Did John visit his clients?
12. Did the secretary book my plane ticket?
13. Did her brother upload the video?-------------------------------------------------1. Did Jenny go to the dentist?
Yes, she did.
She went to the dentist.
2. Did Kate and John call the florist?
No, they didn't.
They didn't call the florist.
3. Did you write for 2 hours?
Yes, I did.
I wrote for 2 hours.
4. Did Danny upload the video?
No, he didn't.
He didn't upload the video.
5. Did Kate and John try on the clothes?
No, they didn't.
They didn't try on the clothes.
6. Did you pay your phone bill?
Yes, I did.
I paid my phoen bill.
7. Did Mr.wang attend the meeting?
Yes, he did.
He attended the meeting.
8. Did Danny film the vlog?
No, he didn't.
He didn't film the vlog.
9. Did Mr.wang visit his clients?
Yes, he did.
He visited his clients.
10. Did Jenny water the flowers?
No, she didn't.
She didn't water the flowers.
11. Did Kate and John choose the wedding gifts?
No, they didn't.
They didn't choose wedding gifts.
12. Did Danny replay all the commtents?
Yes, he did.
He replied all the comments.
13. Did Jenny buy soy sauce?
No, she didn't.
She didn't buy any soy sauce.
14. Did Kate and John arrange the seats?
Yes, they did.
They arranged the seats.
15. Did you do the laundry.
Yes, I did.
I did the laundry.
16. Did Denny edit the videos?
Yes, he did.
He edited the videos.
17. Did Mr.Wang reply his mail?
No, he didn't.
He didn't reply his mail.
Be + p.p
EX : S was/were born(p.p) in 月份 / on 日期-------------------------------------------------1. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879.
When was Einstein bron?
2. He graduated from college in 1900.
When did he graduate from college?
3. He got married in 1903.
When did he get married?
4. He was a physics.
What did he do?
5. He lived in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and the
United Stated.
Where did he live?
6. He had three children.
How many children did he have?
7. He died in 1955.
When did he die?-------------------------------------------------1. When did Steve Jobs graduate from college?
He didn't finish college
2. What did he do?
He was an entrepreneur.
3. How many children did he have?
He had 4 children.
4. When did he get married?
He got married in 1991.
5. Where did he live?
He lived in California.
6. When was he born?
He was born on February 24, 1955.
7. When did he die?
He died in 2011.-------------------------------------------------1. What did he do?
He was an actor.
2. When was he born?
He was bron on July 21, 1951.
3. Where did he live?
He lives in Californiam USA.
4. When did he graduate from college?
He didn't go to college.
5. When did he die?
He dided in 2014.
6. When did he get married?
He got married in 1978.
7. How many children did he have?
He had 3 children.-------------------------------------------------1. What did Margaret Thatcher do?
She was a politician.
2. When did she get married?
She got married in 1951.
3. How many children did she have?
She had 1 child.
4. When was she born?
She was born on October 13, 1925.
5. When did she die?
She dided in 2013.
6. Where did she live?
She lived in England.
7. When did she graduate from college?
She graguated from college in 1947.
1. I ate some fruit for breakfast.
=> What did you eat for breakfast?
2. That man stole 10,000 from his boss?
=> How much did that man steal from his boss?
3. They want to Italy for honey moon.
=> Where did they go for honey moon?
4. My father talked to his customer for an hour.
=> Who did your father talk to for an hour?
5. We watched a movie and had dinner yesterday.
= >What did you do yesterday?
6. My dad joined the army in 1989.
=> When(Which year) did your dad join the army?
7. I had a 233 CDs before I moved.
=> How many CDs did you have before you moved?
8. You woke up at 8 o'clock.
=> What time did I wake up?
9. We got married in Bali?
=> Where did you get married?
10. I gave your book to your boyfriend.
=> Who did you give my book to?
11. I called you because I was in your neighborhood.
=> Why did you call me?
12. Susan broke the window.
Who broke the windo?
1. Where did Micheal go on Saturday?
He went to the Central Park on Saturday.
2. What did he do there?
He went skating.
3. Who did he go with?
He went with his daughter.1. What did you and you girlfriend do on Sunday?
We went sightseeing on Sunday.
2. When did you go with?
We went with our friends.1. Where did you go on Saturday?
I went to a gym on Saturday.
2. What did you do?
I went swimming.
3. Who did you go with?
I went with my aunt.1. What did Penny do on Saturday?
She did aerobics on Saturday.
2. Who did she go with?
She went with her mon.1. Where did I go on Sunday?
You went to Hualien on Sunday.1. What did Nicole and her husband do on Saturday?
They played badminton.
2. Where did they go?
They went to the sports center.
3. Who did they go with?
They went with their kids.
Used to 肯定句與否定句
習慣、適應了 : S beV used to Ving/n
EX : I am used to the weather in Europe.
EX : She isn't used to the noise form the street.
EX : Tina is not used to waking up early.
EX : They are not used to having dinner at 9.-------------------------------------------------以前常 : S used to v. 常用來表達過去習慣的句型
暗指現在已經沒有這個習慣了1. I ate a burder. 我吃了一個漢堡
2. I used to eat burgers. 我以前常吃漢堡1. She watched a movie.
2. She used to watch a movie. 她以前常看電影1. They went to Japen.
2. They used to go to Japen a lot. 他們以前常常去日本1. I loved you.
2. I used to love you. 我以前愛你1. I had three cats.
2. I used to have three cats. 我曾經有三隻貓-------------------------------------------------1. I used to be a teacher. I am a businessman now.
2. He uesd to be a criminal bue he is a changed man now.
3. I used to have lots of dogs and cats but I have only one dog now.
4. He used to listen to rock music all the time, but he listens to
classical music most of the time now.
5. My parents used to live in China but they moved back to Taiwan
last yeat.
6. People used to read more books. People watch more TV now.
7. I used to think that God didn't exit but I believe in god now.
8. My sister used to get up at 3 pm but she wakes up early.
9. She used to drink every day, but she doesn't drink anymore.
10. There used to be a bookstroe here. but it is a drugsotre now.
11. There used to be a bus stop here. Where is it now?
12. There used to be a lot of salmon in the Thames River.-------------------------------------------------1. John used to be a waiter in this restaurant before he became
2. It uses to be very cold in winter.
3. We used to be good friends when we were young.
3. This restaurant used to be the best restaurant in Taipei.
3. I used to be shy before I went to college.
4. The walls used to be orange.
5. My sister used to like chocolate ice cream.
6. My boss used to have a lot of meetings every day.
7. Penny used to have long hair.
8. Ian used to drink two cups of coffee in the morning.
9. He used to go to bed very late.
10. They used to watch this TV show every weekend.
11. My family and I used to take a vacation every summer.
12. I used to live in London.
13. People used to read newspapers.-------------------------------------------------There used to be n. 空間
在...空間曾經存在著...東西1. There used to be two groceries on this street.
2. There used to be many paintings on that wall.
3. There used to be a record in this area.
4. There used to be a tree in the garden.-------------------------------------------------1. My son didn't use to like vegetables.
2. They didn't use to visit their parents this often.
3. We didn't use to get together twice a year.
4. There didn't use to be so many tourists in this town.
5. You didn't use to wake up so early.
6. It didn't use to be hot at this time of the year.
7. This place didn't use to be so busy.
8. People didn't use to spend a lot of time on the internet.
9. It didn't use to be cheap to talk to friends overseas.
10. People in this country didn't use to be very poor.
過去簡單式 - 動作動詞句型練習
S + is/am/are + Ving 現在進行式
S + was/were + Ving 過去進行式S + was not/were not + Ving
Was/Were + S + Ving?-------------------------------------------------過去時間的點
非常小的時間點 常用時鐘時間表達
When + 過去式 : 也能表達小時間點1. I was having breakfast at 7:15 this morning.
2. My mon was talking to her therapist at 9:55.
3. Her boyfriend was sleeping at 9 yesterday morning.
4. The kid were playing when he got home.
5. We were having dinner when you called.
6. I was talking a shower when the doorbell rang.過去那一段時間,持續不斷發生的事情
7. At that period of time, I was working in a factory.
8. She was working all day.
9. I was staying in a really good hotel when I was in Greece.
10. I was reading all evening.
S + BeV + V-ing + 時鐘時間(短時間)1. Kate was taking a shower at 9:56.
2. I was reading a book at 9:56.
3. My mon was watching TV at 9:56.
4. My dad was surfing the net at 9:56.
5. My sister was talking on the phone at 9:56.
6. My borther was playing chess with his girlfriend at 9:56.
7. Tim and Iris were cooking at when the power went out.
8. The cats were sleeping at when the power went out.
9. You were watching a movie when the power went out.
10. The kids were playing toys when the power went out.
11. Linda and her husband were fighting when the power went out.
過去簡單式 + 過去進行式
常被用來描述過去事件過去簡單式 : 一個動作、事件,在過去發生,過去結束 (主角)
過去進行式 : 多個動作,不斷重複發生 (背景動作)S V(過) when/while/as S was/were V-ing
1. When S V(過),S was/were Ving
2. S V(過) while S was/were Ving-------------------------------------------------1. I was slicing cucumber when I cut my finger.
While I was slicing cucumber, I cut my finger.
2. It started to rain while I was walking in the park.
When it started to rain, I was walking in the park.
3. He was driving fast when he hit a kangaroo.
He hit a kangaroo while he was driving fast.
4. When you rang the doorbell, I was taking a shower.
5. When John fell off, he is climbing a ladder.
John fell off while he climbing a ladder.
6. Her mother was burnt her finger while she was cooking.
When her mother burnt her finger, she was cooking.
7. I saw your boyfriend yesterday while he was eating ice cream with
a girl.
When I saw your boyfriend yesterday, he was eating ice cream with
a gril.
8. When we bumped into John at the airport, he was waiting for the
9. The accident happened while they were talking on the street.
When the accident happend, they were talking on the street.
10. When my son fell asleep, he was drinking milk.
11. When she broke the plate, she was doing the dishes.
She broke the plate while she was doing the dishes.
Was/were S v-ing?1. Was he studing Chinese at 9 o'clcok?
2. Were Linda and her sister working at 10:15?
3. Was my mother watering the flowers at 2:30?
4. Were you paying attention when I was talking to you?
5. Was your dad waiting for you?
6. Were they having dinner at 7?
7. Was the man riding a bike when it started to rain?-------------------------------------------------1. Was your borther in law watching TV?
No, he wasn't.
He wasn't watching TV.
He was cooking.
2. Was your sister feeding the dog?
Yes, she was.
She was feeding the dog.
3. Was your grandmother sleeping?
No, she wasn't.
She wasn't sleeping.
She was taking a picture.
4. Were your son and daughter doing homework?
Yes, they were.
They were doing homework.
1. Was Jane waiting for a bus when it started to rain?
Yes, she was.
She was waiting for a bus.
2. Were you and your friends walking in the park?
No, we weren't.
We weren't walking in the park.
We were having a picnic.
3. Were the kids playing soccer?
Yes, they were.
They were playing soccer.
4. Were you exercising?
No, I wasn't.
I wasn't exercising.
I was fixing a bike.
子句(clause) : S + V獨立子句(主要子句)
1. I am a teacher.
2. We want to go home.
3. They had a great time.-------------------------------------------------附屬子句(從屬子句) : 一定要有獨立子句的陪伴,才能變成一個完整的句子一、 名詞子句 : S + V...(主要子句) that(連接詞) + S + V (名詞子句)
think、remember、tell + 某人、said、hear
1. I like that you send me flowers.
2. I think that she is beautiful.
3. He thinks that it can't be done.
4. I remember that you give hime the money.
5. He told me that he was in love with me.
6. He said that he couldn't come.
7. I hear that the new restaurant is very good.
8. It is clear that he is not interested.
9. It is sweat that you brought flowers with you.
10. It is sad that nobody cares about that.二、形容詞子句 :
人 who + S + V...
事物 which + S + V...
人事物 that + S + V...
1. He is the boy who(that) my daughter likes.
2. That is the women who(that) John talked to.
3. This is the book which(that) my professor recommended.
4. That is the bike which(that) I borrowed from Mike.5. She is the doctor who(that) saved my life.
6. I want to thank the girl who(that) told me the news.
7. We are looking for the dog which(that) bit my boy friend.
8. They are staying at the hotel which(that) has a huge pool.練習 :
1. The man who is reading an English book is my neignboor.
2. The restaurant which we went yesterday opended last year.三、副詞子句
1. 副詞子句要搭配一個主要子句
連接詞 S + V, S + V
2. 注意副詞子句標點符號的用法
(1) After I brush my teeth, I go to bed.
(2) I go to bed after I brush my teeth.
3. 表達兩個子句之間的關係時間
1. After I brush my teeth, I go to bed.
2. We were having a picnic, when it started to rain.
1. Although the test was very difficult, I pass it.
1. The trip was cancelled because there is a typhoon in Japen.
1. I will go by car so that I can take more luggage.
1. Unless you run fast, you will miss the bus.
2. I will go as long as you pay for it.

助動詞 : can / could / will / would
S + can/ could / will / would + 原Vcan 能力
1. I can sing.
2. I can speak German.
3. He can swim very well.
can 被允許
1. He can smoke here.
2. You can leave now.
3. She can stay wiht her friends tonight.could 以前能力、以前被允許
1. I could do the splits.
2. He could speak French very well.
3. We could smoke here.will 承諾
1. I will love you forever.
2. I will call you.will 未來要做的事情
1. She will go to Japan.
2. They will build a house here.would 過去習慣(不能表達過去狀態)
1. We would go to the beach every weekend.
2. After arriving, we would buy some food and drinks at 7-11.
3. When I was little, I would stay with my grandparents every
4. They would let me play outside all day.
5. Every night, I would help my grandmother prepare for dinner.
1. My aunt used to live in Paris.2. I remember (that) she used to come home and she would tell us
stories about being abroad
user to : 表達過去習慣、過去狀態
would : 表達過去習慣
tell 受詞(人) 受詞
tell me your name
tell her the truth
tell 受人(人) that 子句
tell me that you love me
tell her that it will be ok
about 有關於 + n/v-ing3. I remember that she told us (that) she jumped into the river
once.4. She smiled, leapt without looking and tumbled into the Seine.
without n/v-ing5. She spent a month sneezing.
spend + 時間長度 + v-ing
He spent 5 days building a tree house.
She spent 1 year looking for him.
My son spends a lot of time studying.6. But she said (that) she would do it again.7. Here's to the ones who dream.8. Here's to the hearts that ache.9. Here's to the mess (that) we make.10. She captured a feeling.
11. Sky with no ceiling.
12. Sunset inside a frame.13. She lived in her liquor. 成天酗酒
14. And died with a flicker.15. I'll always remember the flame.16. She tola me (that) a bit of madness is sky.17. to give us new colors to see.
give 受詞 受詞
give me the book
give us some suggestions.18. Who knows where it will lead us?
S + V19. And that's why they need us.
S + V
When I was fifteen, sixteen,
when I really started to play guitar,
I definitely wanted to become a musician. 主要子句start to V. 表達非常短的時間點
1. When I started to learn Engilsh.
2. When she started to cry.
3. When they started to eat.play the instrument 樂器
1. play the piano
2. play the flute (笛子)
3. play the guitarIt was almost impossible
because it was, the dream was so big that I didn't see any chance
because I was living in a little town; I was studying.so adj. that S V... 如此的...(形容詞) 以至於...
1. She is so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off her.
2. He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.
3. The puzzle is so difficult that no one can slove it.
過去進行式 : 強調那一段時間,持續不斷發生的事情
1. I was living in a little town
2. I was studying.過去簡單式 : 過去發生跟結束的一個事件或一個動作
1. I lived in a little town.
2. I studied.And when I finally broke away from school and became a musician
I thought, "well, now I may have a bit of a chance"break aeay 逃脫、放棄關係(片語動詞)a bit of + 名詞
a bit + 形容詞
a bit (後面不加任何詞)A : Are you hungry?
B : a bit.
I am a bit hungry.Because all I really wanted to do is music
and not only play music, but compose musicAll I want(ed) to v. is___
for n. is___
1. All I wanted to eat (主詞) is pizze.
2. All I wanted to do is find a way back into love.
3. All I wanted for Christmas is you.
4. All I wanted for breakfast is bread.Not only A but also B (A、B 必須同性質)
1. She is not only beautiful but also smart.
2. This is not only a key chain but also a USB.
3. I want to not only play music but also compose music.At that time, in Germany, in '69-80', they had already discotheques.So, I would take my car,
would go to a discotheque, sing maybe 30 minuted.S would V 表達 過去習慣I think (that) I had about seven, eight songs.
I would partially sleep in the car.
Because I didn't want to drive home.
And that helped me for about almost two years to survive in the beginning.help + 受詞 + (to) + 原型動詞for + 一段時間I wnated to do an album with the sound of the '50s the sounds of the '60s, of the '70s and the have a sound of the furture.And I said, 'wait a second, I know the synthesizer why don't I use the synthesizer which is the sound of the furture?'And I didn't have any idea what to do.
But I knew (that) I needed a click.So we put a click on the 24 track which then was synced to the Moog Modular.I knew (that) that could be a sound of the future.
But I didn't realize how much the impact would be.realize : 常用在過去式
S realized that S V
S didb't realize that S V1. I realized that I needed help.
2. I realized that I wasn't ready.
3. I didn't realize that you felt that away.
4. I didn't realize that we were late.Once you free your mind about a concept of harmony and of music being "correct", you can do whatever you want.So, nobody told me what to do. And there was no preconception of what to do.
現在完成式 - 時間
代表 : 一段時間 a period of timefor + 一段時間
1. for 5 seconds
2. for 10 minutes
3. for 6 hours
4. for 100 days.
5. for 1 week.
6. for 3 months
7. for 5 years.since + 時間點 : 此後; 從那時到現在
時間點 : 時鐘時間、星期、月份、年分、日期
1. since 7 o'clock.
2. since this morning.
3. since Monday.
3. since yesterday.
4. since last night.
5. since 1989.過去式 = 一個時間點
since + 過去式 (S + V)
1. since they broke up.
2. since you told me about it.
3. since we got married.
4. since she met him.
5. since he got fired.
6. since John graduated from school.since + 過去事件
1. since high school.
2. since Kate's wedding.
3. since my graduation.----------------------------------------------------不用加上 for 或是 sinceall + 時間單位
1. all morning.
2. all day.
3. all week.
4. all monthe.
5. all year.
現在完成式 - 公式
S + have/has (助動詞 沒有意思) + p.p.縮寫
1. I've
2. you've
3. they've
4. we've
5. he's
6. she's
7. it's
8. Dino's----------------------------------------------------S + have/has (助動詞 沒有意思) not + p.p.縮寫
S + haven't/hasn't (助動詞 沒有意思)+ p.p.----------------------------------------------------疑問句Have/Has S + p.p ?
現在完成式 : 觀念一

S + have/has + already/just + p.p1. we/have dinner/already
We have already had dinner.
We've already had dinner.
We have had dinner already.
過去意思 : we had dinner
現在意思 : we are not hungry.2. she/pass the test
She has passed the test.
She's passed the test.
過去意思 : she passed the test.
現在意思 : she doesn't have to do the test again.3. Mom/make lunch/already.
Mon has made lunch already.
Mon's made lunch already.
Mon has already made lunch.
過去意思 : Mon made lunch
現在意思 : lunch is ready.4. my dad/go to chine/already.
My dad has gone to china already.
My dad's gone to china already.
My dad has already gone to china.
過去意思 : My dad left home.
現在意思 : He's not home.5. he/ask her/already.
He has asked her already.
He's asked her already.
He has alrady asker her.
過去意思 : He askes her.
現在意思 : He has the answer.6. they/leave the building/just
They have just left the building.
They've just left the building.
過去意思 : They left the building.
現在意思 : They are not here.7. you/finish the book/already.
You have already finished the book.
You've already finished the book.
You have finished the book already.
過去意思 : You finished the book.
現在意思 : You know the story.8. Apple/launch this new product/just
Apple has just launched this new product.
Apple's just launched this new product.
Apple has just launched this new product.
過去意思 : Apple launched this new product.
現在意思 : Everybody knows about it.9. she/buy a present
She has bought a present.
She's bought a present.
過去意思 : She bought a present.
現在意思 : She doesn't have to go shopping again.10. Jenny/lock the door
Jenny has locked the door.
Jenny's locked the door.
過去意思 : Jenny locked the door.
現在意思 : The door is locked.11. the housekeeper/clean the house
The housekeeper has cleaned the house.
The housekeeper's cleaned the house.
過去意思 : The housekeeper cleaned the house.
現在意思 : The house is clean.12. I/drink all the milk.
I have drunk all the milk.
I've drunk all the milk.
過去意思 : I drank all the milk.
現在意思 : There is no more mile in the fridge.
現在完成式 : 觀念二
經驗 : 當現在完成式當經驗用時,不會提到一段時間肯定句 : 某某人有過...經驗/某事曾經發生過
S + have/has p.pS + have/has been to 地方.
1. I have been to Spain.
I was in Spain in 2018.(過去式)
I have the experience of being in Spain.(現在簡單式)
2. My mon has been to Germany.
She was in Germany three years ago.(過去式)\
She has the experience of being in Germany.be agj./n. : 表達狀態
been adj./n. : 曾經處在某個狀態1. John has gone to China. 已經出發去中國了
John has been to China. 曾經去過中國2. I have been very sick. 曾經生過重病3. She has been a waitress. 曾經當過服務生action V(p.p) 有做過這個動作的經驗1. Tina has seen whales. 曾經看過鯨魚2. Tom has done bungee jumping. 曾經有過高空彈掉的經驗----------------------------------------------------否定句 : 某某人沒有過...經驗/某事沒有發生過
S + have/has never p.p1. I have never stolen money.2. He has never done it.3. He has never met the president.4. Peter has never lost his phone.5. We have never been to that restaurant.----------------------------------------------------疑問句 : 某某人有過...經驗嗎?/某事曾經發生過嗎?
Have/Has S ever p.p?1. Have you ever eaten stinky tofu?2. Have you ever been to Protugal?3. Has she ever spoken to someone famous?4. Have you ever had an operation?5. Has he ever fallen in love?
現在完成式 : 觀念二
現在完成式代表的時間就是一段時間1. 現在簡單式-be動詞句子 : 現在狀態
S + beV(is/am/are) + n./adj.2. 現在完成式 : 一段時間
S + have/has been + n./adj. + since + 時間點 / for 一段時間----------------------------------------------------1. He is depressed. 他現在是憂鬱的
He has been depressed for a while. 他已經憂鬱一陣子了2. I am sick.
I have been sick since Saturaday.3. It is broken.
It has been broken for a week.4. They are married.
They have been married for 14 years.5. She is cold to me.
She has been cold to me since this morning.6. Brasila is the capital of Brazil.
Brasila has been the capital of Brazil since 1960.7. Penny is the manager of this company.
Penny has been the manger of this company for 16 years.8. We are friends.
We have been friends since we were 10.9. This ruin is here.
This ruin has been here for about 1200 years.----------------------------------------------------現在簡單式-動作動詞
S have/want/know/like/live 狀態 V現在完成式
S + have/has + had/wanted/known/liked/lived 狀態 p.p + since/for1. I have long hair.
I have had long hair for 20 years.2. He has a Farrari.
He has had a Farrari since January.3. She knows Tom.
She has known Tom for ten years.4. I want to go to Italy.
I have wanted to go to Italt since I saw the movie.5. He loves her.
He has loved her for a long time.----------------------------------------------------S + have/has always wanted to V1. I have always wanted to go to Italy.
2. I have always wanted to try this food.
3. She has always wanted to do bungee Jumping.
現在完成式 : 觀念一 肯定句練習
S + have/has + already(已經)/just(剛剛) + p.p
S + have/has + p.p + already(已經)1. We have had dinner already.
We've already had dinner.
過去意思 : We had dinner
現在意思 : We are not hungey.2. She has passed the test
She's passed the test.
過去意思 : She passed the test.
現在意思 : She doesn't have to do the test again.3. Mon has already made lunch.
Mon's made lunch.
Mon has made lunch already.
過去意思 : She mahe lunch.
現在意思 : Lunch is ready.4. My dad has gone to China already.
My dad has already gone to China.
My dad's already gone to China.
過去意思 : My dad left home
現在意思 : He's not home.5. He has asked her already.
He has already asked her.
He's already asked her.
過去意思 : He asked her.
現在意思 : He has the answer.6. They have just left the building.
They've just left the building.
過去意思 : They left the building.
現在意思 : They are not here.7. You have finished the book already.
You have already finished the book.
You've already finished the book.
過去意思 : You finfished the book.
現在意思 : You know the story.8. Apple has just lanuched this new product.
Apple's just lanuched this new product.
過去意思 : Apple lanuched this new product.
現在意思 : Everybody knows about it.9. She has bought a present.
She's bought a present.
過去意思 : She bought a present.
現在意思 : She has a present now.10. Jenny has locked the door.
Jenny's locked the door.
過去意思 : Jenny locked the door.
現在意思 : The door is locked.11. The houshekeeper has cleaned the house.
過去意思 : The housekeeper cleaned the house.
現在意思 : The house is clean.12. I have drunk all the milk.
I've drunk all the milke.
過去意思 : I drank all the milk.
現在意思 : There is no more milk in the fridge.
現在完成式 : 觀念一 否定句練習
S + haven't/hasn't p.p + yet1. I haveb't told her yet.
過去意思 : I didn't tell her.
現在意思 : She doesn't know yet.2. She hasn't arrived yet.
過去意思 : She didn't arrive.
現在意思 : She is not here yet.3. Mary hasn't finished this book yet.
過去意思 : Mary didn't finished this book.
現在意思 : She doesn't know the ending of the story.4. We haven't bought the tickets yet.
過去意思 : We didn't buy the tickets.
現在意思 : We don't have the tickets.5. He hasn't found a new place yet.
過去意思 : He didn't find a new place.
現在意思 : He still needs to look for it.6. She hasn't decided yet.
過去意思 : She didn't decide.
現在意思 : She is still thinking about it.7. The stores haven't opened yet.
過去意思 : The sotres did't open.
現在意思 : The sotres are closed.8. We haven't heard about it.
過去意思 : We didn't hear about it.
現在意思 : We know nothing about it.9. The party hasn't started yet.
過去意思 : The party didn't start.
現在意思 : There is no party now.10. She hasn't found her dog.
過去意思 : She didn't find her dog.
現在意思 : She is still looking for her dog.
現在完成式 : 觀念一 疑問句練習
Have/has S p.p yet?
某個人在過去的某個時間做了某事嗎?1. Have you had lunch yet?
2. Has John written down the list yet?
3. Has she put the book back yet?
4. Has the president announced it yet?
5. Have your roommates gotten home yet?
6. Has Linda taken a shower yet?
7. Have they arranged the meeting yet?
8. Have you booked the ticket yet?
9. Has your sister seen a doctor yet?
10. Has she lost any weight yet?
11. Have the boys and girls come back yet?
現在完成式 : have got 的句型練習
have(助動詞) got(p.p) = have(動作動詞)
可以用在 : "擁有"、"病痛"、"外表特徵"、"家庭成員"現在簡單式
S + have/has(動作動詞) + n
S + have/has(助動詞) got + n1. I have the tickets.
I've got the tickets.
2. She has a bad cold.
She's got a bad cold.
3. They have some questions.
They've got some questions.
4. He has a beautiful bicycle.
He's got a beautiful bicycle.
5. You have two cats.
You've got two cats.
6. We have a new coffee machine.
We've got a new coffee machine.
7. My sister has long, blond hair.
My sister has got long, blond hair.----------------------------------------------------現在簡單式
S + doesn't/don't + have/has(動作動詞) + n
S + haven't/hasn't(助動詞) got + n1. My boss doesn't have much time.
My boss hasn't got much time.
2. They don't have much money.
They haven't got much money.
3. She doesn't have any job offers.
She hasn't got any job offers.
3. Micheal doesn't have any brothers or sisters.
Micheal hasn't got any brothers or sisters.
4. He doesn't have green eyes.
He hasn't got green eyes.----------------------------------------------------現在簡單式
Does/Do + S + have + n. ?
Have/Has + S + got + n. ?1. Do you have any ideas?
Have you got any ideas?
2. Does Tina have a camera?
Has Tina got a camera?
3. Do you have everything you need?
Have you got everything you need?
4. Does he have change for 10 dollars?
Has he got change for 10 dollars?
5. Do you have time to talk?
Have you got time to talk?
6. Does she have a new boyfriend?
Has she got a new boyfriend?
7. Does he have any children?
Has he got any children?
8. Why don't we have salt at home?
Why haven't we got any salt at home?
現在完成式 : 觀念二 肯定句練習
經驗 : 通常不會加上一段時間。
S + have/has p.p + before.1. His dad has been in prison.
His dad's been in prison.
2. I have been there.
I've been there.
4. You have broken your arm.
You've broken your arm.
5. He has driven a bus.
He's driven a bus.
6. We have eaten pigs' blood.
We've eaten pigs' blood.
7. They have been to Mexico.
They've been to Mexico.
8. Her boyfriend has written a novel.
Her boyfriend's written a novel.
9. We have met before.
We've met before.
10. He has gotten engaged before.
He's gotten engaged before.
11. His uncle has climbed Mt. Everest.
His uncle's climbed Mt. Everest.
現在完成式 : 觀念二 否定句練習
從來沒有擁有過某某經驗S have/has + never + p.p1. My mon has never borrowed money from ohters.
My mon's never borrowed money from ohters.
2. My dad has never read biographies.
My dad's never read biographies.
3. My boyfriend has never tasted this.
My boyfriend's never tastes this.
3. I have never had hangover.
I've never had hangover.
4. My daughter has never ridden a horse.
My daughter's never ridden a horse.
5. You have never been to a live concert.
You've never been to a live concert.
6. He has never fallen in love.
He's never fallen in love.
7. The people in the village have never heared about Uber.
8. She has never asked her parents for any help.
She's never asked her parents for any help.
9. We have never stolen anything.
We've never stolen anything.----------------------------------------------------S have/has + never + p.p + before
代表現在正在經驗中1. I have never tasted this before.
2. I have never felt like this before.
3. She has never seen this before.
4. We have never heard about it before.
現在完成式 : 觀念二 疑問句練習
Have/Has + S + ever + p.p?1. Have you ever ridden an elephant?
No, I haven't.
I have never ridden an elephant.
2. Has Nick ever done somthing dangerous?
Yes, he has.
He has done something dangerous.
3. Have you and your husband ever been to this restaurant?
No, we haven't.
We have never been to this restaurant.
4. Has Jessica ever cried during a movie?
Yes, she has.
She has cried during a movie.
5. Have you ever bought something costly?
No, I haven't.
I have never bought something costly.
6. Have they ever been to Roma?
Yes, they have.
They have been to Roma.
7. Has Nick ever swum in the ocean?
Yes, he has.
He has swum in the ocean.
8. Have they ever been on TV?
No, they haven't.
They have never been on TV.
9. Has Jessica ever seen a ghost?
No, she hasn't.
She has never seen a ghost.
10. Have you and your husband ever had arguments?
Yes, we have.
We have had arguments.
現在完成式 : 觀念一 & 觀念二 WH問句練習
問句包含,現在與過去的意思Wh- + have/has + S + p.p ?1. What have you done? 你到底做了什麼好事?
2. Why hasn't she arrived yet?
3. Who has he spoken to?
4. Where have you been?
5. Why have you got so many presents?
6. What has your mother cooked for dinner? 你媽媽晚餐煮了什麼?
7. Where have you lived?
8. What cool things have you done? 你做過哪一些很酷的事情?
9. Why haven't you gotten the bill? 為什麼你還沒收到帳單?
現在完成式 : 觀念一 & 觀念二 詢問次數 wh many 問句
現在完成式意思 :
1. 某事發生,到現在有結果
2. 某個動作發生,到現在有個結果
3. 某某人做了某事,到現在有了經驗----------------------------------------------------How many times + have/has + S + p.p ?
S + have/has + p.p.1. How many times have they been to Paris?
They have been to Paris twice.
2. How many times has she called him?
She has called him 6 times.
3. How many times have we eaten here?
We have eaten here 3 times.
4. How mamy times has he failed?
He has failed many times.1. How many plums have you eaten?
I have eaten five plums.
2. How many friends has she made at the seminar?
She has made five friends at the seminar.
3. How many interviews has he had?
He has had five interviews. ----------------------------------------------------1. How many times have you watched this movie?
I have watched this movie 10 times.
2. How many times have you been to Singapore?
I have been to Singapore 5 times.
3. How many times has he broken his shoulder?
He's brokem his shoulder many times.
4. How many times have you told him?
I've told him three times.
5. How many times have you visted this museum?
I've visted this museum twice.
6. How many times have you read this book?
I've read this book 7 times.
7. How many countries has he traveled to?
I've traveled to 37 countries.
8. How many pages have I read so far?
I've only read 3 pages.
9. How many pairs of sunglasses has he sold?
He has sold 8 pairs of sunglasses.
10. How many people has your secretary contacted?
My secretary has contacted 40 people.
11. How many views has this video reached?
This video has reached one million views.
現在完成式-觀念三 肯定句
S + have/has + p.p + for 一段時間/since 時間點1. I have been in Italy since 10th of March.
2. I have had this bag for 10 years.
3. We have known each other since we were 10.
4. His son has been in this chorus since he was 17.
5. I have liked him for a long time.
6. We have been friends since kindergarten.
7. This restaurant has been here since 1990.
8. I have wanted to start my own business since I read this book.
現在完成式-觀念三 否定句
S + haven't/hasn't + p.p + for 一段時間/since 時間點
最後一次做那件事情,到現在一次都沒有做過1. I havn't seen her since Monday.
2. She hasn't taken a shower for three days.
3. We haven't eaten anything since last night.
4. He hasn't called for a week.
5. We haven't had arguments since we went to the therapist.
6. They havn't heard from him since March.
7. My mon hasb't stopped talking since she got here.
8. I haven't exercised for two weeks.
9. She hasn't washed her hair for 7 days.
10. You havn't taken out the trash since last month.
11. It hasn't happend for ages.
現在完成式-觀念三 wh 問句
How long + have/has + S + p.p ? => 詢問時間長度現在簡單式 => 表達現在狀態
現在完成式 => 這個狀態持續的時間長度EX : I have a dog
How long have you had the dog?
I have had it for 7 years.EX : My mon is a doctor
How long has she been a doctor?
She has been a doctor for 20 years.----------------------------------------------------1. My mon is a secretary.
How long has your mon been a secretary?
She has been a secretary since she was 25.
2. My husband and I are vegetarians.
How long have you and your husband been vegetarians?
We have been vegetarians for three years.
3. I am an archaeologist.
How long have you been an archaeologist?
I have been an archaeologist for five years.
4. They are my neighboors.
How long have they been your neighboors?
They've been my neighboors since 2001.
5. My brother is umemployed.
How long has your brother been umployed?
He's been umemployed for 6 months.
6. It is like this.
How long has it been like this?
It's been like this for a very long time.----------------------------------------------------1. I know John.
How long have you known John?
I've known John for almost ten years.
2. She has a Fiat.
How long has she had this Fiat?
She's has this Fiat for a few months.
3. We have problems.
How long have you had problems?
We've had problems since we got married.
4. They live in this builging.
How long have they lived in this building?
They've lived in this building since last year.
現在完成式與過去簡單式 句型練習
現在完成式 : 包含過去與現在的意思
過去簡單式 : 只有過去的意思
EX : I have eaten a burger.(我剛吃了一個漢堡,現在不餓了) VS. I ate a burger
EX : Ian has cleaned the house(Ian打掃了這棟房子,現在很乾淨) VS. Ian cleaned the house.
EX : Sha has taken a shower.(他已經洗完澡了,現在不用洗了) VS. She took a shower.現在完成式 : 表達一段時間,使用 for/since
過去簡單式 : 表達一個時間點,使用 ago/last/when 子句用現在完成式詢問,
1. 完成了嗎? Yes. 用過去式描述整個事件
2. 經驗? Yes. 用過去式描述整個事件----------------------------------------------------
A : Have you ever been to South America?
B : Yes, I have.
A : When did you go there?
B : I went there four years ago with my boyfriend.
A : What countries did you visited?
B : We visited Peru, Argentina and Bolivia.
A : Has your mon booked the tickets yet?
B : Yes, she booked them three days ago.
A : Did she also booked accommondation as well?
B : No, she hasn't dont it yet.
B : She hasn't decided which hotel to stay in.
A : Are you also a fan of Star Wars?
B : Yes, I am a huge fan.
A : How long have you been a fan of Star Wars?
B : Since I was 15.
B : I watched my first Star War movie with my day. He is a huge fan too.
A : I didn't know that you know Kate.
B : I do. We hang out quite oftem.
A : How did you meet?
B : We met at a councert. She was sitting next to me and we start talking.
A : When was that?
B : That was 10 years ago. We have been friends ever since.
A : Is your brother married?
B : No. But he is engaged. He got engaged last year.
B : He proposed to Penny during our family trip.
A : How long has he been with her?
B : They have been together since college.
現在完成進行式 公式 & 意思
進行式公式 : S + beV + Ving
1. She is crying.
2. My son is playing a viedo game.
3. He is driving.
4. I am learning Italian.
5. We are talking to each other.
6. She is feeling well.現在完成進行式 : S + have/has + been + Ving
3.現在還是進行中的動作,還沒有結束的動作1. She has been crying for two hours.
2. My son has been playing a video game since 2 p.m.
3. He has been driving for 6 hours.
4. I have been studing Italian for 2 years.
5. Teresa has been teaching for 17 years.
6. He has been helping poor people since he was 20.
7. We have been visiting our parents on weekends since we got married.-----------------------------------------------------------現在完成進行式否定句 : S + have/has not + been + Ving
1. 在這段提到的時間內,一次都沒有做到1. I haven't been talking to her recently. 我最近這一陣子都沒有跟他講話
2. She hasn't been exercising recently. 他最近這一陣子都沒有運動
3. He hasn't been taking his medicine recently.-----------------------------------------------------------現在完成式是否問句 : Have/Has + S + been + Ving?
1.現在還是進行中的動作,還沒有結束的動作1. Has he been drinking all night?
2. Have you been watching TV for three hours?
3. Have you been traveling for a month?-----------------------------------------------------------現在完成式
1. He has written a novel.
2. She has read that book.現在完成進行式
1. He has been writing a novel.
2. She has been reading that book.
現在完成式 : 肯定句,否定句、疑問句練習
肯定句 : S + have/has + been + Ving + for 一段時間 / since 時間點
1. We have been waiting for you for three hours.
2. My cat has been sleeping all day.
3. They have been playing tennis for an four.
4. I have been studying for the exam since Wednesday.
5. He has been thinking about his future lately.
6. She has been looking for her earrings since 7 o'clock.
7. Nancy has been taking antibiotice for four days.
8. It has been raining for 2 days.
9. The government has been lying to us for years.
10. Gary has been work a lot lately.
11. My friend and I have been traveling since January.否定句 : S + have/has not + been + Ving + for 一段時間 / since 時間點
1. We haven't been waiting for you for three hours.
2. My cat hasn't been sleeping all day.
3. They haven't been playing tennis for an hour.
4. I haven't been studying for the exam since Wednesday.
5. He hasn't been thinking about his future lately.
6. She hasn't been looking for ger earrings since 7 o'clock.
7. Nancy hasn't been taking antibiotics for four days.
8. It hasn't been raining for 2 days.
9. The government hasn't been lying to us for years
10. Gary hasn't been working a lot lately.
11. My friend and I have been traveling sice January.疑問句 : Have/Has + S + been + for 一段時間 / since 時間點?
1. Have you been waiting for me for three hours?
2. Has your cat been sleeping all day?
3. Have they been playing tennis for an hour?
4. Have you been studying for the exam since Wednesday?
5. Has he been thinking about his future lately?
6. Has she been looking for her earrings since 7 o'clock?
7. Has Nancy been taking antibiotics for four days?
8. Has it been raining for 2 days?
9. Has government been lying to us for years?
10. Has Gary been work a lot lately?
11. Have you and your friend been traveling since January
現在完成進行式 — wh 問句
How long have/has S beeb V-ing?
1. 某某人持續做某件事情,做了多久
2. 某某事情到現在發生了多久
3. 暗示事情不斷的發生中1. How long have they been playing tennis?
2. How long have you been talking?
3. How long has your husband been working?
4. How long has it been snowing?
5. How long has Kevin been traveling?
6. How long have we been hiking?
----------------------------------------------A : We should wake up the baby, otherwise she won't get to sleep on time tonight.
B : How long has she been sleeping?
A : She has been sleeping for two hours.
B : Ok! Let's wake her up.----------------------------------------------A : I am working on this big project. I am so tired.
B : Have you been staying up late?
A : Yes, I have.
B : How long have you been working on it?
C : I have been working on it for six months. It's almost done.----------------------------------------------A : I've made some new friends since you left.
B : Good for you. Who have you been hanging out with?
C : I've been hanging out with people that I met through meetup.com.----------------------------------------------A : My husband read a book called 'The 5PM Club'. Ever since then, he's been waking up at 4:30.
B : Wow, cool! How long has he been doing this?
A : He has been doing this for 8 nonths now.----------------------------------------------A : She's had enough. She doesn't want to put up with you anymore. She's looking for a new plave to live.
B : What!!! Why didn't she tell me? How long has she been feeling like this?
A : Since you started to have parties every weeking.----------------------------------------------A : I am in love with this city. It's such a beautiful and exotic city.
B : In deed. It is. Where have you been staying?
A : I have been staying with my friend from Taiwan. She's a really good friend of mine.----------------------------------------------A : I've got a new job at the Eurppean school.
B : Congratulations. How long have you been working there?
A : I've been working there since August.----------------------------------------------A : Hey, What are you doing?
B : I'm painting.
A : How long have you been painting?
A : I have been painting since I woke up this morning.----------------------------------------------A : We are trying to save our marriage. We go to the therapist every week now.
B : How long have you been going to the therapist?
A : We have been going there for 2 months.----------------------------------------------A : I work on my laptop. so I can work wherever I want.
B : That's fantastic. Where have you been working lateky?
A : It's been really jot recently. I have been working in Starbucks. When it'st not so hot. I prefer to work outdoors in the fresh air.----------------------------------------------A : Wow! You look great. You've lost a lot of weight. Have you been doing exercise?
B : Yes, I have.
A : What kinds of exercise have you been doing?
B : I have been doing yoga and lifting weights. I have been eating really healthily as well.----------------------------------------------A : Hey. It's been a while. How have you been? What have you been doing?
B : I have been working a lot lately. And you? What's up with you?
A : We have just bought a houst. We have been decotating it.----------------------------------------------A : Hey. I'm going back to Taiwan next week. What has the weather been like there recently?
B : It has been rainy and cold lately.
S + had + p.p
S + had not + p.p疑問句
Had + S + p.p?
Yes, S had.
No, S hadn't.----------------------------------------------------過去完成式 : 表達時間先後發生順序過去簡單式 + 連接詞 + 過去完成式
過去完成式 + 連接詞 + 過去簡單式常用連接詞 : by the time、when、because、before、so1. Jan had already left (先發生 過去完成式)when I arrived at the party(後發生 過去簡單式).
When I arrived at the party, Jan had already left.2. When the police checked the computer(後發生), someone had already erased all the files(先發生).
Someone had already erased all the files when the police checked the computer.by the time : 到 ... 的時候
by the time + 過去式句子(S V)3. By the time the police caught the thief(後發生), he had spent all the money(先發生).4. By the time he reached 40 (後發生), he had been to 100 countries (先發生).
He had been to 100 countries (先發生) by the time he reached 40 (後發生).5. He couldn't say anything (後發生) because he had signed a confidential agreement (先發生).6. Tina didn't join us for dinner(後發生) beacuse she had already eaten (先發生).7. They had never met (先發生) before the wedding (後發生).8. Someone had already told her (先發生) befor the news came out (後發生).9. He had never used email before (先發生) so I taught him how to use it (後發生).10. Max had finished all his homework (先發生) so I let him watehed cartoons for an hour (後發生).----------------------------------------------------because + 原因
so + 結果
子句 + 連接詞 + 子句1. I spent all the money (後發生)that my parents had saved up for me(先發生).(關係子句,形容詞子句)2. She said (後發生) that she had never seen that movie before(先發生).

1. I asked John to join us on Sunday, but he couldn't come.
He had already made plans for Sunday.
2. Lisa had such a great time at Ali's wedding. She danced so much.
She had never been to an Indian wedding before.
3. I ran to Will's office trying to stop him from sending that email. But it was to late.
He had sent the email.
3. They called Ian so many times this afternoon. No one answered.
He had gone out.
4. I opened the fridge, and there was no more food left.
They had eaten all the food in the fridge.
5. I was sitting next to an old lady. she was very nervous.
She had never flown before.----------------------------------------------------when + 過去簡單式1. The robbers had escaped when the polic got to the bank.
2. Peter had already graduated from college when he met Lisa.by the time(到...的時候) + 過去簡單式3. By the time I finally got into this page, the tickest had been sold out.
4. By the time they found out about the tumor, the cancer had spread all over the body.because + 原因5. We couldn't reach her because she had lost her cell phone.
6. Jason was tired because he had walked to work.
7. She passed the test because she had studyed hard.before + 過去簡單式8. She had already decided what to do before you asked her.
9. They had drunk a lot of beer befor they went to the party.
10. I had already read the book before I watched the movie.
11. He had written a will before he got very sick.that12. I noticed that someone had already cleaned the house.
13. I realized that we had done it befroe.
We have been friedns since high school, where we were classmates.
關係子句補充高中I was sitting in the first row of the class and she was sitting in the last row oh the class.
We never had chance to talk to each other.
have a/the chance to V 有 一個/這個 機會去做某一件事情
I had a chance to meet the CEO of the company.however conj.連接詞
1. 放在第二個對照句句首 however 後面加上逗點
1. I would love to go to your party. However,I have to prepare for my exam next week.
2. The seminar was very expensive. However,it was worth it.現在完成式
We have done lots of things and we have been through a lot together in these past 20 years.I am so glad to have a friend like Rebecca and I hope that out friendship will last for a very long time.
S + hope(時態) + that S + V
S + hope(時態) + to + V
1. I hope that I can see you again.
2. She hopes that he likes her,too.
3. I hope to see you again.
4. She hopes to thank you in person.
5. They hope to have a better life quality.
三種動詞 三種句子
1. be動詞
肯定句 : S + beV
否定句 : S + beV + not
疑問句 : Bev + S? There is(was)/There are(were)
(1). There is an apple on the table. S be n./ adj.
(1). He is my brother.
(2). It was not easy.
S beV Ving
(1). I am talking to my boss.
(2). They were swimming in the sea.
2. 動作動詞 在疑問句、否定句及簡答中 需要 do/does/did 的幫忙
肯定句 : S + actionV
反定句 : S + do not/does not/did not + actionV
疑問句 : Do/Does/Did + S + V?3. 助動詞 一個句子只能有一個助動詞
肯定句 : S + helpingV + V
否定句 : S + helpingV + not + V
疑問句 : HelpingV + S + V?

助動詞(auxiliary verb)的概念
auxiliary verb + be動詞/動作動詞1. 沒有意思的助動詞 : 成就後面的動詞,有文法上的含意、需要配合主詞作變化
(1) be
S + is/am/are + ving
I am walking.
He doesn't live here.
Do you like it?
Did it help?
He has never been to Japan.2. 有意思的助動詞
(1). 有意思
(2). 無須配合主詞動變化
(3). modal verbs + 原型動詞 肯定句 : S + modal verb + V
否定句 : S + modal verb + not + V
疑問句 : modal verb + S + V? can : 可以。 過去式 : could
will : 即將。 過去式 : would
must : 必須。
should : 應該。
may : 或許。 過去式 : might
shall : 即將。

can 的公式、意思及例句
肯定句 : S + can + V
否定句 : S + can not + V
疑問句 : Can + S + V?can 的含意
1. 能力
2. 允許例句 : 能力
1. I can swim.
2. She can cook.
3. We can't finish this by Wednesday.
4. He can't speak Chinese well.
5. She can't come.
6. Can you teach English?
7. Can he do the job?
8. Can she read?例句 : 允許
1. I can stay at Peter's tonight.
2. You can use my computer.
3. You can't smoke here.
4. We can't enter this building.
5. Can he come with us?
6. Can I use your pen?

肯定句 : S + can + V
1. I can drive a car.
2. John can play the drums.
3. She can paint.
5. My dad can cook.
6. Her husband can play the guitar.
7. Her mon can ride a scooter.
8. My French teacher can speak 4 languages.
9. We can borrow this book from the library.
10. Your friends can sleeep in the guest room.
11. You can eat some food in the fridge.否定句 : S + can not + V
1. My sister can't ride a bicycle.
2. You can't smoke here.
3. The new guy can't type fast.
4. They can't fix this.
5. My students can't memorize this.
6. I can't tell the difference.
7. You can't leave here.
8. She can't talk to me like that.
9. We can't go into this room.
10. People in this country can't vote.
11. We can't see each other anymore.
12. You can't touch the paintings on the well.疑問句 : Can + S + V?
1. Can you drive a car?
Yes, I can.
I can drive the car.
2. Can john play the drums?
Yes, he can.
He can play the drums.
3. Can she paint?
Yes, she can.
She can paint.
4. Can your dad cook?
Yes, he can.
He can cook.
5. Can her husband play the guitar?
Yes, he can.
He can play the guitar.
6. Can her mother drive a scootor?
Yes, she can.
She can drive a scooter.
7. Can your French teacher speak 4 languages?
Yes, she can.
She can speak 4 languages.
8. Can we borrow this book from the library?
Yes, we can.
We can borrow this book from the library.
9. Can my friends sleep in the guest room?
Yes, they can.
They can sleep in the guest room.
10. Can I eat some food in the fridge?
Yes, you can.
You can eat some food in the fridge.
11. Can your sister ride the bike?
No, she can't.
She can't ride the bike.
12. Can I smoke here?
No, you can't.
You can't some here.
13. Can the new guy type fast?
No, he can't.
He can't type fast.
13. Can they fix this?
No, they can't.
They can't fix this.
14. Can your students memorize this?
No, they can't.
They can't memorize this.
15. Can you tell the difference?
No, I can't.
I can't tell the difference.
16. Can I leave?
No, you can't.
You can't leave.
17. Can she talk to you like that?
No, she can't.
She can't talk to you.
18. Can we go into this room?
No, we can't.
We can't go into this room.
19. Can people in this country vote?
No, they can't.
They can't vote.
20. Can we see each other again?
No, we can't.
We can't see each other anymore.
21. Can I touch the paintings on the wall?
No, you can't.
You can't touch the painting on the wall.
can 的問句練習

1. Can you play baseball?
Yes, I can.
I can play baseball.
2. Can John play golf?
No, he can't.
He can't play golf.
3. Can your students play hokcky?
No, they can't.
They can't play hockey.
4. Can you and your brother play basketball?
Yes, we can.
We can play basketball.
5. Can I play American football?
No, you can't.
You can't play American football.
6. Can Kate play ping pong?
Yes, she can.
She can play ping pong.-------------------------------------------公式 : Wh-can + S + V?1. What can you do?
There is nothing I can do about it.
2. Where can we meet?
We can meet at the MRT station.
3. When can I see you?
I can meet up with you tomorrow.
4. Why can't she come?
She has to work.
5. Who can help us?
No one can help us.
We are on our own.
6. Which one can they use?
They can use this one.
7. Where can he smoke?
He can smoke on the balcony.
肯定句 : S + should + V
否定句 : S + shouldn't + V
疑問句 : Should + S + V ?背後暗示
1. 建議
2. 義務、責任
3. 風俗、習慣
4. 推測-------------------------------------------建議A : I had a fight with my mon.
B : You should say sorry to your mon.A : He wants to drop out of college.
B : He should talk to his parents about it.A : It's late.
B : We should leave now.A : Tom and Jenny fight all the time. And they are getting married next month.
B : They shouldn't get married.A : I don't think my parents love me.
B : You shouldn't think like that.A : I want to go to India by my self.
B : You shouldn't go alone. It's too dangerous.A : I'm going to a dinner party tonight. Should I bring something with me?A : It's raining heavily. Should I stay at home?-------------------------------------------責任、風俗及義務1. You should take care of your parents when they are sick.
2. You should take off the shoes before you enter the room.
3. You should wear new clothes on the first day of Chinese New year.
4. You shouldn't touch people's hand in Thailand.-------------------------------------------I think/I don't think1. I don't think they should get married.
2. I don't think you should think like that.
3. I don't think you should go alone.-------------------------------------------推測1. The taxi should be here.
2. This should be easy for you.-------------------------------------------Should 當成過去式助動詞

Should 句型練習
肯定句A : I've gained 3 kilos this month. My pants don't fit anymore.
B : You should go on a diet.A : Someone is following me.
B : You should call the police immediately.A : My brother is almost 30. He is changing jobs all the time and still lives with my parents.
B : He should find a stable job and get married.A : It's rush hour. They will get stuck in traffic if they use a car.
B : They should take the metro.A : Amy has been coughing for a week.
B : She should go see a doctor.A : Can he hold the baby?
B : Of course. But he sould wash his hands first.A : Tom has been really stressed at work and he has been working nonstop for months.
B : He should take a vacation.A : My parents are getting older. And my dad's health is gettiing worse.
B : We should visit your parents more often.A : Her service is amazing. I also love her smile.
B : You should tip her.-------------------------------------------否定句 A : Her ex-boyfriend keeps texting her but he doesn't want to get back together with her.
B : She should't talk to him for a while.A : It's 40 degree today. Are we still going to the picnic?
B : We shouldn't go out today. We might get heat stroke.A : I go th KFC all the time.
B : You shouldn't eat so much fried foo.A : I bought two dresses today. I maxes out my credit card again.
B : You shouldn't spend so much on clothes.A : I think that their service is too expensive.
B : I agree. They shouldn't charge so much.A : I promised that I would go to the concert with him. But I don't want to go.
B : You shouldn't break your promises.-------------------------------------------疑問句1. I have tried everything.
Should I give up?
2. My wife doesn't know I was fired. I pretend to go to work everyday.
Should I tell her the truth?
3. It's late now. They are really loud and the neighbors are complaining.
Should I ask the people to leave?
4. Tom is coming for dinner tonight. His mother is in town visiting him.
Should I invite her as well?
5. I think it was my fault this time.
Should I apologize?
must/have to 的公式、意思及例句
1. have to : 動作動詞句子
2. must : 助動詞句子------------------------------------------must : 只能用在現在跟未來肯定句(個人主觀) : S + must + V. (一定、必須)
1. I must go.
2. You must come.
3. Children must go to school.
4. We must save them.
5. All passengers must wear seat belts(正式書寫)
6. Candidates must arrive before 9 am.(正式書寫)
7. You must soak them for 10 minutes.(正式書寫)否定句 : S + must + not + V.(一定不能)
1. You mustn't forget your keys.
2. We mustn't tell her.
3. We mustn't kill.
4. You mustn't use a cell phoen when driving.疑問句 : Must + S + V.? (個人認為必須做的事情)
1. Must we go?
2. Must I do this?
3. Must we visit then today?------------------------------------------have to : 可以用在各種時態肯定句(外在因素) : S + have to/has to/had to + V. (一定、必須)
1. I have to go. / I have got to go. / I've got to go.
2. You have to come.
3. Children have to go to school.
4. We have to save them.
5. All passengers must wear seat belts.(口語)
6. Candiates have to arrive before 9am.(口語)
7. You have to soak tehm for 10 minutes.(口語)
8. She had to pick up her kids from school.
9. People had to wear masks when going out.
10. We had to wear uniforms from Monday to Friday.否定句 : S + don't/doesn't/didn't + have to + V.(沒有義務去做)
1. You don't have to come. But I will be happy to see you.
2. You don't have to clean the room. But it would be nice if you do.
3. I don't have to do this. But I want to.
4. He didn't have to pay. But he did.疑問句 : Do/Does/Did + S + have to + V.? (外在因素決定必須做的事情)
1. Do we have to go?
2. Do I have to do this?
3. Do we have to visit them today?

must/have to 的句型練習
肯定句1. You must leave this building.
You have to leave this building.
2. She must be brave and strong.
She have to be brave and strong.
3. My husband must be at the airport by 10.
Mu husband has to be at the airport by 10.
4. We must obey the rules.
We have to obey the rules.
5. He must finish it before the deadline.
He have to finish it before the deadline.
6. I must wake up at 7.
I have to wake up at 7.
7. You must come and visit us.
You have to come and visit us.------------------------------------------否定句1. It's forbidden. You mustn't do that.
2. You mustn't sleep in class. You will get a warning.
3. You don't have to close the door. The door shuts itself.
4. You mustn't do ti your own way. It's important that you follow the instructions.
5. We have a lot of help already. You don't have to come.
6. Mom has already cleaned the house. You don't have to clean it again.
7. You mustn't put too much salt in the food. Your doctor said that it's not good for your health.
8. I will tell you a secret. But you mustn't tell anyone else.
9. Tell your husband. He mustn't make any noise. He might wakt up the baby.
10. She don't have to finish this today. She's still got some time.
11. She mustn't go out during the night. It's too dangerous.------------------------------------------疑問句1. Do I have to memorize this?
Must I memorize this?
2. Do youhave to go today?
Must you go today?
3. Do you have to be so ruthless?
Must you be so ruthless?
4. Does he have to pay this tax?
Must he pay this tax?
must/can’t/should 推測語氣
must : 很確定的推測A : My boyfriend proposed to me on my birthday.
B : Congratulations! You must be very happy.A : Her son won the championshop in the national piano contest.
B : She must be very proud of him.A : I am very lucky to have wonderful, good husband. He always takes care of me.
B : He must love you so much.A : My husband is out of a job. And my mother in law is sick,too.
B : This must be hard of you.------------------------------------------練習題 A : I worked for 10 hours today.
B : You must be tired.A : I haven't eaten anything since this morning.
B : You must be hungry.A : Someone's ringing the bell.
B : It must be Leo.A : He's just bought two housed with cash.
B : He must be rich.------------------------------------------mustn'tA : I've called him many times. But no one answered.
B : He mustn't be home.A : She seems very happy today.
B : She mustn't know about the tragedy.A : He takes the bus everywhere.
B : He mustn't have a car.------------------------------------------can't : 推測,意思 "不可能"A: John is a spy? I don't belive this. It can't be true.A : It must be you who told mon about it.
B : It can't be me. I haven't called mon for a few days.------------------------------------------should : 推測,意思 "應該"A : It's seven. Your day left his office an hour ago. He should be here by now.A : There are only three ingredient in this recipe. It should be easy to make.
may/might 的公式、意思及例句
肯定句 : S + may/might + V.
否定句 : S + may/might + not + V.
疑問句 : May/Might + S + V.?might : 現在、過去及未來
may : 現在及未來1. I may arrive late.
I might arrive late.
2. It may be very expensive.
It might be very expensive.
3. He may lose his job.
He might lose his job.
4. We may go to Taipei this weekend.
We might go to Taipeo this weekend.------------------------------------------may : 禮貌性的請求
May I .... ?
Yes, you may.
No, you may not.1. May I go to the bathroom?
2. May I use your pen?

may/might 的句型練習
A : John didn't show up in class today.
B : He might/may be sick.1. Taky your umbrella. It might/may rain later.2. We are thinking about taking a trip to Europe this summer. We may/might go to France.3. I am very tired. I may/might go to bed soon.4. He said he would come tomorrow. But his mother in law is in the hospital. He may/might not come.5. Jenny didn't study hard for the test. She may/might not pass the test.6. Patty didn't wear enought clothes when she was out. It was snowing. She may/might catch c cold.7. I have never cooked this dish before. It may/might not be good.8. If you don't see you dad in the living room. Check the garden. He may/might be there.9. Don't cook fish for Dan. He doesn't like seafood. He may/might not like it.10. It easire than we expected. We may/might finish it earlier.11. The bell is ringing. Check who that is. It may/might be the mail carrier.------------------------------------------1. May I ask a question?
Yes, you may. You may ask a question.
No, you may not. You may not ask a question.
2. May I come in?
Yes, you may. You may come in.
No, you may not. You may not come in.
3. May I say something?
Yes, you may. You may say something.
No, you may not. You may not say something.
1. 明天 : tomorrow
2. 後天 : the day after tomorrow
3. 明天早上 : tomorrow morning
4. 明天下午 : tomorrow afternoon.
5. 明天傍晚 : tomorrow evening.
6. 明天晚上 : tomorrow night.
7. 在未來 : in the futrue.
8. 在不久的將來 : in the near future.
9. 待會 : later
10. 很快 : soon
11. 最終 : eventually
12. next(adj.)
next week
next weekend
next month
next year
next Monday
next June
next October
13. this : 可以表達過去跟未來
this morning
this afternoon
this evening
this Sunday
this weekend
this month
this year
14. in + 一段時間
in ten minutes
in an hour
in 5 days
15. on 星期
on 日期
on 日期月份
in 月份
in 年分

will 的句型公式、意思及例句
future plan : 還沒計畫好的未來計畫1. We will go to New York for Christmas.
2. We will celebrate it this weekend.
3. He will not run for the president.
4. He won't join us.
5. Will your mon come with us?
6. Will you come home earlier?------------------------------------------has just decided : 臨時決定要做的事情A : The phone is ringing.
B : I'll take that.A : It's cold in here.
B : I'll turn on the heater.A : We are running out of salt.
B : I'll get some at the supermarket later.A : Let's take a taxi.
B : The receptionist will call a taxi for us.A : Which one do you want?
B : I'll take this one.A : I'll have the New York steak.A : I'll have the soup.------------------------------------------promise : 承諾1. I'll call you.
2. I'll love you forever.
3. I'll be there on time.
4. I'll help you.
5. I won't do that to you.
6. I won't let you down.
7. You won't regret it.------------------------------------------prediction : 預測1. It will rain tomorrow.
2. You will have two marriages and three children.
3. This will not work.
4. He will be famous one day.
5. She won't agree with you.
6. Will I be successful?
7. Will he make a lot of money?

A : My luggage is heavy.
B : Don't worry. He'll help you carry that.A : We are running out of milk.
B : I'll get some at the supermarket.A : Are you ready to order?
B : Yes, I will have the roasted chicken with mashed potatoes.A : I'm sorry that I broke this glass.
B : Don't worry. The mail will clean it up. She will give you new one.A : The phone is ringing.
B : My secertary will pick it up.A : Have you decided which one to buy?
B : Yes, I will take both of them.A : Her mother is very sick in the hospital.
B : We'll send her parayers.A : The train is fully booked.
B : We'll take the bus then.A : The gate of flight BR11 has been changed.
A : It will depart at the gate 16.
A : Please be there as soon as possible.
A : The gate will close at 4:40.------------------------------------------1. Don't even bother asking him. He won't tell you.
2. She is lazy and lacks ambition. She won't succeed.
3. Their train has been cancelled. They won't arrive today.
4. The plane is delayed. It won't depart on time.
5. Nobody is interested in this. They won't report this.
7. If you don't come. I won't be haapy about it.
8. I checked the weather forecast. It won't be sunny tomorrow.
9. she has turned down the offer. She won't join the team.
問句 : Wh- will S do ?A : What will they do on Sunday morning?
B : They will go jogging on Sunday morning.A : What will you do next Friday?
B : I will go white water rafting with my friends on next Friday.A : What will Nancy on Saturday afternoon?
B : She will go sailing on Saturday afternoon.A : What will I do on Saturday afternoon?
B : You will go to a youga class on Saturday afternoon.A : What will you and your husband on Sunday morning?
B : My hunsband and I will go hiking on Sunday morning.A : What will Nancy do next Friday?
B : She'll go shopping with her mon.A : What will you do on Saturday afternoon.
B : I will go swimming on Saturday afternoon.A : What will Rex do next Friday?
B : He will go to a party next Friday.A : Waht will they do next Friday?
B : They will go horse back riding next Friday.A : What will you and your husband will do on Saturday afternoon?
B : We weill go kayuking on Saturday afternoon.A : What will I do on Sunday morning?
B : You will go cycling on Sunday morning.
是否問句 : Will + S + V ?
Yes, S will.
No, S won't.1. Will it rain tomorrow?
Yes, it will. It will rain tomorrow.
2. Will you go traveling next year?
No, I won't. I won't go trabeling next year.
I will go traveling after I graduate from college.
3. Will he come with you?
Yes, he will. He will come with me.
3. Will you forget about it?
No, I won't. I won't forget about it.
4. Will this show be amazing?
Yes, it will. It will be amazing.
5. Will I get into trouble by doing this?
No, you won't. You won't get into truble by doing this.
You will be ok.------------------------------------------1. What time will you be there?
I will be there around 8.
2. When will they finish this project?
There will finish it by the end of the year.
3. What will you do when you retire?
I will write a book when I retire.
4. What will the weather be like this Saturday?
The weather will be rainy and cold this Saturday
5. Who will help you move?
My boyfriend will help me move.
6. Where will your parents go?
They'll go to Turkey.
7. Who will pick us up at the airport?
My dad will pick us up at the airport.
8. What will they do tomorrow?
They'll visit museums tomorrow.
A : Nice to meet you.
B : Nice to meet you, too.
A : May I read your plam?
B : Sure. What do you see?
A : You are a very talented person. If you use it well. You will have a fabulous life.
B : Talented? In which way?
A : You will have to figure that out for youselt. But I can tell you that you are a creartor.
B : Thank you. Can I ask you some more questions?
A : Sure.
B : At what age will I get married?
A : I can't tell you the exact age. But you will get married when you are very young. Your husband will be a good person.
B : How many kids will I have?
A : You will have two kids. One boy, one girl.
B : Will I be rich?
A : You won't be very rich. But you will have enough to have a good life. You won't worry too much about money.
B : That's sounds wonderful.
A : However, you will face a lot of challenges in life in other areas. But you will be fine eventually.
will 延伸用法
probably1. I will probably go to Japan.
2. She will probably hate it.
3. Where will you be tonight? I'll probably be at work tonight4. What will you eat later for lunch?
I'll probably skip it.
I've just had breakfast.------------------------------------------Perhaps1. Perhaps she won't be able to leave for a while.
2. Perhaps he will move in with his girlfriend.------------------------------------------I'm sure 子句
1. 真的很確定
2. 很確認的猜測
3. 帶有安慰口氣1. Just keep looking. I'm sure we will find it.
2. I'm sure you will figure it out.
3. Don't be sad. I'm sure we will see each other again.
4. Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure you will be all right.------------------------------------------I think + 肯定句子句
I guess
I suppose
I wonder1. Just let him go. I think he will be back.
2. She think Jessica will be the next superstar.
3. He has confidence about this project. He thinks that it will change the world.
4. I just watched this movie, called "Bird".
It's very good.
I highly recommend it!
I think you will like it.------------------------------------------I don't think 肯定句子句1. I don't think they will agree with it.
2. Jenny doesn't read book. I don't think she will like your present.
3. She looked sick this morning. I don't think she will come this aftenoon.------------------------------------------I guess/I suppose1. I guess he will not come.
2. I suppose it will not work.------------------------------------------I wonder1. I wonder what will happen to him.
2. I wonder if she will like it.

be goint to 的句型公式、意思及例句
肯定句 : S + be going to + V.1. I'm going to cook./I am going to cook.
2. You're going to cook./You are going to cook.
3. He's going to cook./He is going to cook.
4. She's going to cook./She is going to cook.
5. They're going to cook./ They are going to cook.
6. We're going to cook./We are going to cook.
7. It's going to cook./It is going to cook.否定句 : S + be not going to + V.1. I'm not going to apologize./I am not going to apologize.
2. You're not going to apologize./You are not going to apologize.
3. He's not going to to apologize./ He is not going to apologize.
4. She's not going to apologize./ She is not going to apologize.
5. They're not going to apologize./ They are not going to apologize.
6. We're not going to aplogize./ We are not going to apologize.
7. It's not going to apologize./ It is not going to apologize.疑問句 : Be S going to V.?1. Am I going to eat soon?
2. Are you going to eat soon?
3. Is he going to eat soon?
4. Is she going to eat soon?
5. Are they going to eat soon?
6. Are we going to eat soon?
7. Is it going to eat soon?Wh 疑問句 : Wh- be S going to V.?------------------------------------------will : 還沒有計畫好的計劃
be going to : 已經計畫好的計畫1. I am going to go to Germany.
I will go to Germany.2. It will rain.
It is going to rain tomorrow.3. I am going to buy some tissue and soy sauce.
I will get some butter and milk.------------------------------------------1. What are you going to do tonight?
I am going to go to a concert tonight.
2. Which hotel are you going to stay?
We are going to stay at the W.
3. When are you going to leave tomorrow?
We are going to leave at 7.------------------------------------------口語 : S be going (to go)1. I am going to go home. => I am going home.
2. I am going to go to school. => I am going to school.
3. She is going to go shopping. => she's going shopping.
4. They are going to go to court. => They're going to court.

be going to 句型練習
肯定句 : S + be going to + V.1. My son is going to be on stage in 10 minutes.
2. She is going to go to bed soon. => She's going to bed soon.
3. I am going to have pasta for lunch.
4. He is going to move to a new apartment this Friday.
5. I am going to marry him tomorrow.
6. It is going to snow tomorrow.
7. We are going to leave early in the morning.
8. He is going to sue you.
9. My family and I are going to go hiking. => We're going hiking.
10. Your dad is going to work this afternoon.否定句 : S + be not going to + V.1. This is not going to be easy.
2. She is not going to arrive on time.
3. He is not going to let this happen.
4. They are not going to agree with it.
5. You are not going to like it.
6. She are not going to give you the custody.
7. John is not going to go to work later.
8. We are not going to settle.
9. It is not going to rain this afternoon.
10. This is not going to happen.疑問句 : Be S going to V.?1. Are you going to go with them?
2. Is he going to join this group?
3. Are his parents going to watch the match?
4. Is she going to move to the countryside this weekend?
5. Is your brother going to study in London?
6. Are Peter and Julie going to get married next weekend?
7. Is everyone going to participate in the game?
8. Is tonight going to be good night?
9. Are you going to in the office in an hour?
10. Is your boss going to go to Japan this evening?
11. Is your boyfriend going to pick you up later?
be going to 句型練習 — wh問句
公式 : Wh- + be S going to + V ?1. Where are you going to stay?
2. When is John going to leave?
3. What are Laura and Bill going to do?
4. Where is John going to go?
5. Which countries are you going to go?
6. Who are you going to go with?
7. How many days are you going to be there?
8. How are you going to travel around?------------------------------------------1. Where is John going to go?
He is going to go to Bali.
2. What is he going to do there?
He is going to go surfing and take meditation calsses.
3. Where is he going to stay?
He is going to stay at his friends's place.
4. How is going to travel around ths island?
He is going to travel around the island by scooter.
5. Who is he going to go with?
He is going to go alone.
6. How many days is he going to stay?
He is going to stay for 16 days.
7. When is he going to leave?
He is going to leave next Monday.------------------------------------------1. Where are Laura and Bill going to go?
They are going to go to Switzerland.
2. When are they going to go to there?
They are going to there in March.
3. How many days are they going to stay?
They are going to stay there for 5 days.
5. What are there going to do there?
They are going to go skiing.
6. Where are they going to stay?
They are going to stay at an airbnb.
6. Who are they going to go with?
They are going to go with their families.
7. How are they going to travel around?
They are going to drive around.------------------------------------------1. Where are you going to stay?
I am going to stay at hostels.
2. When are you going to leave?
I am going to leave on the tenth of December.
3. Where are you going to go?
I am going to go to south America.
4. What are you going to do there?
I am going to go hiking and do sightseeing.
5. How are you going to travel around?
I am going to travel around by bus and plane.
6. Who are you going to travel with?
I am going to travel with my best friend, Iris.
7. Which countries are you going to go to?
I am going to Peur, Chile, Brazil and Argentina.
8. How long are you going to travel around?
I am going to travel around for a month.
about to 的用法
S + be about to + V. : 即將、正要 (短時間之內"即將"要發生的事情)1. I am about to leave.
2. You are about to leave.
3. She is about to leave.
4. He is about to leave.
5. They are about to leave.
6. We are about to leave.
7. It is about to leave.------------------------------------------1. I am about to go out.
2. She is about to clean the room.
3. It is about to explore.
4. My daughter is about to cry.
5. It is about to rain.
6. We are about to cancel it.
重要概念 : go back on tense (回去一個時態)情境 :
1. 假設性
2. 相反的情況甚麼樣情況使用 過去式助動詞 :
1. 過去式
can : 現在能力、現在被允許做的事情
could : 過去能力、過去被允許做的事情
I could swim very fast.
I could eat two bowls of rice.
Peple could smoke indoors.
When I was sad, I would listen to music.
When She got home, She would feed her cat first.
2. 假設性
I could do that. But I don't want to do.
This could happen.
I would do that too.
If that happened to me, I would be very angry.3. 與過去事實相反 : 遺憾、後悔、馬後炮 (go back on tense)
S (過去式)助動詞 + have p.p
4. 禮貌性
Could I borrow your pencil?
Would you help me?

過去式助動詞 could
肯定句 : S could V.
否定句 : S could not V.
疑問句 : Could S V. ?1. 過去式
I could eat two plates of pasta. But I can't anymore.
She could speak Chinese very well when she was young.
I could fit these pants before.
People could smoke on the plane. But not anymore.2. 可能性
He could be the one.
She could be in France.
He could be right.
This could also go wrong.3. 建議
What sould we have for dinner?
We could go to that taco restaurant you like.
What time should we leave?
We could leave now. When should we visit our new neighbor?
We could visit them tomorrow4. 禮貌
Could I have something to drink?
Could I borrow your pen?
Could you help me with that?

過去式助動詞 would
肯定句 : S would V.
否定句 : S would not V.
疑問句 : Would S V. ?1. 過去式 : 會(背後暗示 : 過去習慣)
Every morning, he could do yoga in the garden before breakfast.
When I was in a bed mood, I would go for a walk by the river.
Sometimes, she would sit in the balcony, looking at the ocean for hours.
2. will 變成過去式
I knew that he would be successful in the future.
3. 假設性情況 : 常與 if 作聯用
That would be nice.
She would not like it.
I wouldn't want to live in London.
I couldn't do that, I would go crazy.
4. 禮貌性用法 : would you please....
Would you please stopped doing that?
Would you please tell me about it?
5. Would have p.p

could have p.p
肯定句 : S could have p.p
(某人、某事) 本來可以1. We could have left the party early.(We didn't leave the party early.)
2. He could have saved her.(He didn't save her.)
3. They could have won the race.(They didn't win the race.)
4. You could have just been honest with me.(You were not honest with me.)------------------------------------------1. Thank god they stopped that in time. Many people could have died.(many people didn't die.)
2. My husband and I were in finacial trouble last year. We had to sell one of our houses.
Why didn't you tell me? I could have lent your money.(I didn't lend you the money.)
3. Why didn't you leave with us? We could have given you a ride.(we didn't give you a ride.)
I went home right after you left.
4. What do you mean that you didn't have time to buy it? You could have stopped at the grocery store on the way home.(You didn't stop at the grocery store on the way home.)

否定句 : S could not have p.p
(某人)(就算回到過去) 不可能(動作)1. We couldn't have made it.(就算回到過去)也不可能(跟過去事實相反)
There was a parade in the city. We could barely move the car.
2. I couldn't have done that without you.
3. I couldn't have done that to him. He is my brother.
4. What a wonderful weekend. It couldn't have been better.

Would have

(與過去事實相反)肯定句 : S + would + have + p.p
否定句 : S + would not + have + p.p1. He would have come. But you didn't invite him.
He didn't come.
You din't invite him.2. If you had told me, I would have helped you.
You didn't tell me.
I didn't help you.3. If you had been there. you would have done the same thing.
You were not there.
You didn't do the same thing.------------------------------------------1. We were so lucky to have a such great nanny. I don't know what we would have done with her.
I had a great nanny like her.
She was with us.2. It's too bad you didn't come with us to the talk. You would have loved it.
You didn't come with us.
You didn't love it.3. It took him two hours to cook and 30 mins to clean up the kitchen. It would have been quicker to just order take away.
We didn't order take away.
It was not quicker.4. Why didn't you tell me that you wewe in town. I would have showed you around.
I didn't show you around.5. I was talking on the phone with boss. Otherwise, I would have come and said it.
I didn't come and say hi.6. Why didn't you join the competition? You are so good. I'me sure you would have won.
You didn't join the competition.
You didn't win.

Should have
肯定句 : S + should + have + p.p
否定句 : S + should not + have + p.p1. I should have listened to you.
I didn't listen to you.2. You should have studied harder.
You didn't study harder.3. We should have bought more water.
We didn't buy more water.4. You should not have called.
You called.5. He souldn't have left her there.
He left her there.6. We shouldn't eaten so much.
He ate so much.------------------------------------------1. It was such a fun night last night. You shoud have come.
You didn't come last night.2. Your advice was terrible. I should not have listened to you.
I listened to you.3. The machine is out of control. He should not have pressed that button.
He pressed that button.4. The restaurant was fully booked. We had to go to another restatuant. We should have made a reservation.
We didn't make a reservation.5. Now we have to pay for this speed ticket. You should not have driven so fast.
You drove so fast.6. They just fought all the time. My daughter is deeply unhappy. She shouldn't have married him. I should have stopped her.
She married him.
I didn't stop her.

might have

肯定句 : S + might + have + p.p
否定句 : S + might not + have + p.p1. She might have been killed.
2. We still can't prove his theory. He might have benn wrong.
3. She ignored me when I was there. She might have been busy.
4. I called this morning. And She didn't pick up her phone. She might have been in swimming class.
5. He looked fine when I saw him. He might not have know that yet.
6. I didn't see them when I was at the office. They might have gone out for dinner.
7. He promised me he would tell me the result. He might have forgotten about it.

had better (最好)
肯定句 : S + had better + v.
否定句 : S + had better not + v.1. I'd better not tell anyone else.
2. He'd better not tell anyone else.
3. She'd better not tell anyone else.------------------------------------------1. I'd better go now. I want to catch the last train.
2. He'd better not come. It would be a bad idea for him to come.
3. I'd better not leave my bags here. It's not a safe area.
4. Looks like it's gonna rain. We'd better take an unmbrella.
5. If you want to visit the church. You'd better buy the tickets online first.
6. You'd better leave now. Otherwise, you might miss the flight.
would like (想要)
肯定句 : S + would like + n.
S + would like + to + v.
否定句 : S would not line + n./ to v.
疑問句 : Would + S + like + n./ to v.?1. I would like some ice cream.
2. She would like a spoon.
3. She would like to go with you.
4. I would like to try on this jacket.
5. She would not like that.
6. Would you like some water?
Yes, I would
7. Would you like some coffee or tea?
No, I would not.
8. Would you like to go to the movies with me?
Yes, I would. I would like to go to the movies with you.
9. Would you like to join us for dinner?
Yes, I would love to join you for dinner.
被動式(passive voice)觀念及公式
核心概念 : beV + p.p
肯定句 : S + beV p.p + (by + 人事物)
否定句 : S + be not p.p + (by + 人事物)
疑問句 : Was/Were + S + p.p + (by + 人事物)?1. Rice is grown in Asia by people. / Perople grow rice in Asia
2. It is often misunderstood by people. / People often misunderstand it.
3. Lots of movies are made in Hollywood by movie companies. / Movie companies in Hollywood make lot of movies.
4. The workers are treated badly by the owner. / The workers are treated badly by the owner.
5. Cheese is made from milk by people.------------------------------------------1. I was born in 1928 by my mon.
2. This book was translated into 17 languages by translators. / Translators translated this book into 17 languages.
3. These houses were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
4. She wasn't invited to the party by the host. / The host didn't invited her to the party.

肯 : Milk is delivered to us every two days.
否 : Milk is not delivered to us every two days.
疑 : Is milk delivered to us every two days?肯 : Three languages are spoken in Switzerland.
否 : Three languages are not spoken in Switzerland.
疑 : Are three languages spoken in Switzerland?肯 : Most Aribus planes are made in France.
否 : Most Aribus planes are not made in France.
疑 : Are Aribus planes made in France?肯 : This show is played every Monday to Thursday.
否 : This show is not played every Monday to Thursday.
疑 : Is this show played every Monday to Thursday?肯 : French is taught at school in Taiwan.
否 : French is not taught at school in Taiwan.
疑 : Is French taught at school in Taiwan?肯 : Mice are often chased and captured by cats.
否 : Mice are not often chased and captured by cats.
疑 : Are mice often chased and captured by cats?肯 : Terry is loved by his family and friends.
否 : Terry is not loved by his family and friends.
疑 : Is Terry loved by his family and friedns?肯 : People are allowed to smoke indoors in Japan.
否 : People are not allowed to smoke indoors in Japan.
疑 : Are people allowed to smoke indoors in Japan?肯 : Christmas is celebrated in Isreal.
否 : Christmas is not celebrated in Isreal.
疑 : Is Christmas celebrated in Isreal?肯 : Shampoos and conditioners are sold in pharmacies and supermarkets here.
否 : Shampoos and conditioners are not sold in pharmacies and supermarkets here.
疑 : Are shampoos and conditioners sold in pharmacies and supermarkets here?肯 : This building was designed by a famous Japanese architect.
否 : This building was not designed by a famous Japanese architect.
疑 : Was this building designed by a famous Japanese architect?肯 : The first computer was invented in the early 90s.
否 : The first computer was not invented in the early 90s.
疑 : Was the first computer invented in the early 90s?肯 : His uncle was murdered by the government.
否 : His uncle was not murdered by the government.
疑 : Was his uncle not murdered by the government?肯 : These refugees were rescued by the locals.
否 : These refugees were not rescued by the locals.
疑 : Were these refugees rescued by the locals?肯 : This movie was filmed in Poland.
否 : This movie was not filmed in Poland?
疑 : Was this movie filmed in Poland?肯 : Her table was repaired by her boyfriend.
否 : Her table was not repaired by her boyfriend.
疑 : Was her table repaired by her boyfriend?肯 : Children and women were sent back to England during the war.
否 : Children and women were not sent back to England during the war.
疑 : Were children and women sent back to England during the war?肯 : I was asked to leave by the police.
否 : I was not asked to leave by the police.
疑 : Was I asked to leave by the police?肯 : She was hurt by what you said.
否 : She was not hurt by what you said.
疑 : Was she hurt by what you said?肯 : John was bitten by a dog from the street.
否 : John was not bitten by a dog from the street.
疑 : Was John bitten by a dog from the street?肯 : They were born on the same day.
否 : They were not bron on the same day.
疑 : Were they born on the same day?

肯 : S + beV + being + p.p
否 : S + beV + not + being + p.p
疑 : BeV + S + being + p.p?肯 : We are being followed
否 : We are not being followed.
疑 : Are we being followed?肯 : Your dinner is being made.
否 : Your dinner is not being made.
疑 : Is your dinner being made?肯 : The machine is being fixed.
否 : The machine is not being fixed.
疑 : Is the machinh being fixed?肯 : The hospital is being built night and day.
否 : The hospital is not being built night and day.
疑 : Is the hospital being built night and day?

肯 : S + have/has + been + p.p
否 : S + have/has + not + been + p.p
疑 : have/has + S + been+ p.p?肯 : They have been sent back to their country.
否 : They have not been sent back to their country.
疑 : Have they been sent back to their counrty?肯 : The apartment has just been renovated.
否 : The apartment has not been renovated.
疑 : Has the apartment just been renovated?肯 : The doors have been locked by the doorman.
否 : The doors have not been locked by the doorman.
疑 : Have the doors been locked by the doorman?肯 : This house has been sold.
否 : This house has not been sold.
疑 : Has this house beem sold?

肯 : S + had + been + p.p肯 : Those trips had been cancelled.
否 : Those trips had not been cancelled.
疑 : Has those trups been cancelled?肯 : The damage had been done.
否 : The damage had not been done.
疑 : Had the damage been done?

肯 : It can be used.
否 : It can not be used.
疑 : Can it be used?肯 : The story can be reported.
否 : The story can not be reported.
疑 : Can the story be reported?肯 : He should be punished.
否 : He soulde not be punished.
疑 : Should he be punised?肯 : This news might have been leaked.
否 : This news might have not been leaked.
疑 : might this news been leaked?肯 : You could have been arrested.
否 : You could have not been arrested.
疑 : Could you have been arrested?

1. I want to be noticed in advanced.
2. She likes to be told waht to do.
3. He enjoys being taken care of by her mon.
4. This has to be done immediately.

have O p.p
1. I have my hair cut.
2. I have the arm tattooed.
3. I have the ear pierced.
4. I have the TV fixed.
5. I have the house cleaned.
6. I have the air conditioner installed.現在簡單式(習慣、慣例、日常工作)
S have/has O p.p1. She has her water boiler checked once a year.
2. I have my washing machine cleaned every 6 months.
3. John has his shoes shined twice a week.
4. She has her hair permed twice a year.
5. You should have your safa cleaned.現在進行式
S beV having O p.p1. He is having his eyes checked.
2. She is haveing her pictures taken.過去簡單式
S had O p.p1. I just had my hair cut. / I have just had my hair cut.
2. He had his ear pierced years ago.
3. She had her arm tattooed last month.
4. My mon had the TV fixed this morning. / My mon has had the TV fixed.
5. He had his jacket washed last night.現在完成式
S have/had had O p.p

1. tall => taller
2. short => shorter
3. dark => darker
4. light => lighter
5. smart => smarter
6. clean => cleaner
7. young => younger
8. old => older
9. hard => harder
10. strong => stronger-----------------------------1. sad => sadder
2. big => bigger
3. fat => fatter
4. hot => hotter
5. thin => thinner-----------------------------1. late => later
2. safe => safer
3. wise => wiser-----------------------------1. happy => happier
2. funny => funnier
3. heavy => heavier
4. easy => easier
5. noisy => noisier
6. dirty => dirtier
7. ugly => uglier
8. angry => angrier-----------------------------1. important => more important
2. beautiful => more beautiful
3. intelligent => more intelligent
4. enjoyable => more enjoyable
5. terrible => more terrible-----------------------------1. bored => more bored
2. boring => more boring
3. relaxed => more relaxed
4. relaxing => more relaxing
5. careful => more careful
6. useful => more useful-----------------------------1. good => better
2. well => better
3. bad => worse
4. far => farther / further

肯定句公式 : A + beV + 比較級形容詞 + than + B
否定句公式 : A + beV not + 比較級形容詞 + than + B
疑問句公式 : beV A + beV + 比較級形容詞 + than + B?1. Tom is taller than John.
2. Paris is more beautiful than London.
3. Sandy is thinner than Sammy.
4. Elephants are bigger than dogs.
5. Planes are faster than trains.
6. My family and friends are more important than my job.
7. Taiwanese people are more friendly than German people.
8. You are smarter than your sister.1. My hair is longer than your hair(yours).
2. Our dog is older than your dog(yours).
3. The weather in Taipei is worse than the weather in Kaosiung.-----------------------------1. John is not taller than Tom.
2. Paris is not more beautiful than London.
3. Sammy is not thinner than Sandy.
4. You are not smarter than your sister.-----------------------------1. Is John taller than Tom?
2. Is paris more beautiful than London?
3. Is Sammy thinner than Sandy.
4. Are elephants bigger than dogs?
6. Are you smarter than your sister?
7. Are Taiwanese people more friendly than German people?
8. Are your family and friends more important than your job?

1. Amy is taller than Kate. / Kate is shorter than Amy.
2. Amy is younger than Kate. / Kate is older than Amy.
3. Amy is heavier than Kate. / Kate is lighter than Amy.
4. I thank Amy is prettier than Kate.
5. I thank Kaye is more beautiful than Amy.
6. Amy's bag is bigger than Kate's bag. / Kate's bag is smaller than Amy's bag.
7. Amy's hair is longer than Kate's. / Kate's hair is shorter than Amy's.
8. My cat is fatter than yours. / Your cat is thinner than mine.
9. My health is more important than my job.
10. I think playing cards is more interesting than playing board games. / I think playing board games is more boring than playing cards.
11. I think Pairs is more fascinating than Istanbul.
12. The vegan diet is better than the paleo dite. / The paleo diet is better than the vegan dite.-----------------------------1. Kate is not taller tahn Amy.
2. Amy is not older than Kate.
3. Kate is not heavier than Amy.
4. Kate is not perttier than Amy.
5. Amy's hair is not shorter than Kate's.
6. My job is not more important than my health.
7. The paleo diet is not better than the vegan diet.
8. Paris is not more fascinating than Istanbul.